Weekly WOD Insights 3/12/18

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Lot's of first time muscle upper/handstand pushup/walkers lately. Or damn near close calls. Keep up the great work on the part A skill work! MONDAY Bring on the RAIN! Sweat Shop Tahoe trip soon? Enjoy the outside and ultra-violet vitamins while…

Fitness and Conditioning

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I read this article recently and wanted to share it with you Sweat Shoppers on contrasting the concepts of fitness versus conditioning. One being more a "potential" marker of performance while the other is a skill set. While I think this article…

Weekly WOD Overview

MONDAY Compare similar to: 1/28/14, 1/12/15, 11/8/16 Long grinder here. I made a slight modification in reps and weight for rx'd and adv this time to allow for more rounds and reps along with less standing around time. If you did advanced last…

Let it go

In the sport of fitness, there is a myriad of exercises and skills to work on and improve. However, trying to increase your 1RM back squat by 30 lbs, while also shaving 30 seconds off your mile time, might be a tough feat. Focusing in on one…

Core Stability

Core, core, core. We are always talking about keeping our core tight, stabilizing the core, training the core, but what exactly is the core? The core is comprised of muscles in the front, side, and back of the midsection. All these muscles work…

Weekly WOD Insight 1/15/18

To prevent or not prevent the redline this week!? MONDAY Whoops. If you are all not satisfied with your performance, you can blame me getting old ;) TUESDAY This workout will have a little different effect for each level. For Rx'd, I'd like…

Building Stronger Pull-Ups

https://vimeo.com/250993577 The importance of fundamentals can't be stressed enough at the Sweat Shop. They are important for developing the necessary strength to perform basic movements and to reduce the likelihood of injury. They also help…

Staying Fit During the Holidays

Its that time of year again. Christmas is fast approaching, and New Years is right on its tail. For many of us, the holiday season is a time  to break away from our daily routine. We usually take some time off work, some may travel to see…

Push It

The push up is one of the most well known exercises you can find. The act of doing a push up, is essentially holding yourself in a plank position facing the ground, then lowering your body toward the ground by  flexing your elbows and extending…