An Excuse-Free Year
Look back on your year of training. You may have had some highs and some lows. Think about how much of your success was because of your actions and your hard work. Now think of the shortcomings. Were they in your control? Did someone or something…
First Workout of 2017
On January 1st, 2017 my first workout will be...
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run
I've never done the workout before because honestly I've been pretty intimidated by it, but I figured if I was…
2016 Wins
In a couple days, 2016 will be gone as we know it! For many, it doesn't mean anything more than a new date, as it simply is just another tomorrow. Obviously I think we should be more cognizant and reflective on our lives more than once a year,…
Give Back Box
I hope you all had a lovely Holiday! If you did a lot of your Holiday shopping through amazon this year and ended up with a ton of boxes like me, amazon is doing something great to give back. Amazon is shipping your unwanted items to goodwill…
New Year’s Weekend Schedule
Class Schedule for the New Year Holiday:
Regular Schedule
11:00am Class
8:00am Class
9:00am Class
10:00am Class
11:00am Class & Open Gym
SPS Gym – The Future of Weightlifting in the U.S.
Our good friend Mike Jenkins, owner of SPS (Speed Power Strength) in Oakland, continues to raise the bar of what is to be expected in a fitness facility. In his quest for being the premiere training center for upcoming Weightlifters, Mike…
No Love for Air Squats
Ready an air squat! If you did one, good for you how did it feel?! If not, it's ok. Either way, let's be real, air squats don't really get much love now a days. Usually when they're in a workout, it's one of those movements where…
Sleep Supps
Nothing beats a good night's sleep. Up until about 8 years ago I would lay down in my bed, close my eyes, and the next thing I knew, I was opening my eyes 9-10 hours later, often times in the exact same position I feel asleep in! However,…
Take Your Pick
One of the things I love most about CrossFit is that there is always something to work on, always a new skill to learn, always something to improve. It's hard to get bored of your "workout routine" when it isn't so routine. It's an amazing…