Weekly WOD Review 11/25/19
3 different couplets for all of you today. Let's see if you can sustain your efforts throughout all 3 :)
8:00 Alt EMOM
1:00 Max Cals any Machine
1:00 Shoulder to Overheads 75/55 95/65 115/75
- rest 2:00 -
8:00 Alt EMOM
Weekly Wod Insights 11/18/19
General, Tips, WorkoutsMonday
Its been quite some time since we have tested out a one rep max so for you experienced lifters if you want to see what you are capable of go for it! If you haven't tested out a one rep max before, but have been doing the olympic lifts…
Weekly WOD Review 10/11/19
General, Training, Workouts
Thanks to all the Veteran's around the country especially our sweaty shoppers! I know a HERO WOD might be appropriate here, but given that I'm excited at ALL of the workouts this week (not that you need to do them all ;), this one should…
Monday’s Featured Member
Name: Dragon aka Mike Lee
Age: 36
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
Since 2012
What were you doing for exercise before CrossFit?
Kung Fu, Full Contact Kickboxing, Tough Mudders
How did you begin training…
Weekly WOD Review 11/4/19
For double under scaling purposes, choose a rep scheme for double unders or single unders that allow you to complete them in no more than 1:00. Other than that, treat this chipper-esque AMRAP as a workout where your effort stays sub-maximal…