Weekly WOD Review 5/27/19

  MONDAY  Happy Memorial Day! Thanks to all that have served our country especially those who have have been lost. For those doing "Murph" solo for the first time, it's key to break these reps up to minimize muscle fatigue and keeping intensity.…

Weekly WOD Review 5/20/19

Monday Chipper-esque workout for today. Push yourself to get as much work done in 18:00. You want to be working at about 75% effort for a majority of this workout, taking strategic breaks as to not allow your heart rate to elevate too much.…

Weekly WOD insights 5/13/19

Monday  We haven't done Front squat doubles in a while, but since we have been doing sets of three recently, go ahead and use those numbers to give you an idea of what you should be doing for sets of two. I also wanted to give you all another…

Weekly WOD Insights 5/6/19

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MONDAY Great work to you all on your skill accessory EMOMs. I've noticed much more focus during the session and have seen quite a few of you move forward with the progressions. Keep it up. For the metcon, reps are short and sweet to keep moving…