Weekly WOD Review – 8/29/22

Monday You’ll use the same weight for both barbell movements today. It’s important that you base your weight selection off of your ability/comfort level with Shoulder to Overheads. To help you make your decision, I encourage you to select…

Weekly WOD Review – 8/22/22

Monday Today is an opportunity to work on one of the more technical overhead movements. Most are accustomed or familiar with the Push Jerk, it’s the more commonly used method for getting the barbell from your shoulders to the overhead position.…

Weekly WOD Review – 8/15/22

Monday For today’s strength workout, you’ll be performing the same complex as las week. The only different will be in how you are receiving the barbell. You’ll be receiving the barbell in the power position, meaning you’ll most likely…

Weekly WOD Review – 8/8/22

Monday For those of you who are familiar with working with percentages, I encourage you to warm up to about 50% of your 1RM Back Squat. As you’re warming up to your starting weight, it’s important to also take into account the other 2…