Weekly WOD insights 12/30/19
The goal for today is to hit each Amrap hard and have consistency on A and C with little drop off. You will have some rest between amraps but make no mistake, 90 seconds is not enough time to make a full recovery so pace it a little…
Weekly WOD Review 12/23/19
General, Training, Workouts
For the "hang" focus, either position is fine. Starting at the pocket/hip works on the final vertical finish, getting tall, and working with less momentum, whereas starting at the knee, the focus is on maintaining hip loaded position…
Weekly WOD Review 12/16/19
Just wanted to give all of you another opportunity to overhead squat if you opted to back squat instead a couple of weeks ago, or give those that overhead squatted a couple weeks ago a chance to build off of that. For the purpose…
Weekly WOD insights 12/9/09
I personally like to have workouts on Monday where you just move. I like to call them: Monday movers. Thats what I like to think of this workout as. Its just a workout where you move for a while. It is a repeat workout so check back…
Weekly WOD Review 12/3/19
The main work is the 5 rounds where as the snatches and wall balls should be fillers. Mixing a matching is fine and if you are a normal heavy cleaner, feel free to go a little heavier here. If you have toes to bar but 7 and 9 would…