Weekly WOD Review 5/31/21
UncategorizedOptional 4-Week Accessory:
These simple workouts will be on the whiteboard for the next four weeks. Essentially, the workouts are quick ways for you to work on some accessory movements. Accessory movements generally address specific areas…

Weekly WOD insights 5/24/21: The Doggo Edition
The triple couplet. A classic. One could say one of the classic formats of CrossFit. Across the many years we have written workouts this format always seems to hit the sweet spot. You get just enough time on each chunk for it to be…

CrossFit Pair Up to Throwdown
Community, CompetitionCrossFit recently announced a new online event that sounds like a quick, and fun way to do a workout at your gym, with a buddy, and see how you stack up to others around the world! The event is called the CrossFit Pair Up to Throwdown and…

Weekly WOD insights 5/17/21
Over the past couple of weeks we have done 6's and 4's. If you made it for both then you should have a pretty good idea what you can do for todays first two sets. The goal for today is not to necessarily set a personal best on any…

Bri Qualifies for the 2021 CrossFit Games!
CompetitionSuper proud and excited to announce that our very own Briana Gaipa has qualified to compete in the 2021 CrossFit Games this summer in Madison, Wisconsin! After the CrossFit Open and the Age Group Qualifiers, Bri is currently ranked 3rd in the…

Weekly WOD Insights 5/10/21
Bringing back the ol meat and potatoes aka the Push/Pull Emom. If you were able to do last weeks then I would encourage you to stick with the same movements this week, and try to increase the volume or loading. For the finisher you…

Good Luck Sweat Shop Masters Athletes!
Community, CompetitionThis Thursday at 12:00pm CrossFit will announce the workouts that our master's athletes who qualified will complete in order to qualify for the 2021 CrossFit Games in Madison, Wisconsin! Our Sweat Shop athletes that qualified for this round,…

Weekly WOD Insights 5/3/21
Today we have what I like to call a Monday Mover. The workout is fairly simple (unless you're snatching!) and it allows you to just move for a good amount of time. Most of us are coming off a rest day and just doing something simple…