Weekly WOD Review 12/31/18

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Happy New Year! 2018 brought some amazing experiences for me inside and outside the gym and hopefully, as I always do, you are able to take a moment to acknowledge the aspects that have helped you grow. As you look back on your year and note…

Weekly WOD Review 12/24/18

Monday   A) 12:00 AMRAP 11 Cals Any Machine 9 Wall Balls 6 Burpees *alt movements with a partner - rest 2:00 - B) For Time: Partner 1 - 403m MB Carry Partner 2 - 200m MB Carry Partner 1 - 200m Run Partner 2 - 403m Run Tuesday   Happy…

💰🐦🎄Money Mobility Moves 3: The Holiday Pigeon edition 🎄🐦💰

I figured with the holidays coming up and lots of potential sitting ensuing, I would give you guys a nice money mobility move you can go to to if you need to open up some tight hips. Today I will be talking about the pigeon pose, but not just…

Weekly WOD Insights 12/17/18

Monday The back squats will be across this week. Find a challenging, but manageable weight. The goal is to make the sets tough, but you shouldn't be failing any of the sets. Check back to the last time we did them to see if you can beat your…

Movement Refocused: Single Leg RDL progressions

When it comes to any movement, there are always ways to properly progress to said movement. Take the squat for example. We teach the air squat first, then the goblet squat, then the front or back squat, then the overhead squat. We start with…

Weekly WOD Insights 12/10/18

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MONDAY Whether you're in for a good holiday party flush out or simply looking for a simple and "keep it moving" workout, this should get the job done. I tested this one out for ya'll last week and plan on doing it again. Now, while it is…

Holiday Party/Heavy Bag Challenge

No you can NOT do the heavy bag challenge at the holiday party. But, here are the fun options we'll have in store for you at the annual Sweat Shop Holiday Party: 1.) Hangout with fellow Sweat Shop buddies 2.) Eat some delicious El Aguila Catering 3.)…

Keep Those Toes Down!

You may have noticed that for a while now we have been implementing a ton of single leg and single arm work in our warm ups, and sometimes our strength sessions. I will be the first to tell you, I love doing single leg, and single arm work.…

My First Spartan Race: Recap

Most of you guys know by now, but if not, I completed my first Spartan Race this past weekend at AT&T Park. Although it was just a Sprint Race, only 3 miles, it was perfect for my first time out. With that being said, I wanted to take a…