Weekly WOD Insights 4/9/18
We’ve followed this EMOM format for some time now. It’s a great way to gradually warm-up, keep you focused and on task during the session, and it forces you to make quick adjustments. That being said, some of you who are just starting out with the fundamental or have a few technical faults, could really benefit from spending some time in the “hang” positions during these sessions to grasp where your body and bar need to be. The coach during class will have the final say on this but if you struggle with finishing your extension or get lost on where the bar needs to go from the start to catch, try honing in position 1 (hip for snatch, pockets for cleans) and position 2 (knees for both). Ask the coaches to watch you and if you are a candidate for this. Today’s finisher should be a short kick! I’d like everyone to go in the order as shown so that you end on the thrusters. While it should be under 10 minutes, push the row keeping in mind that you’ll still need some legs for the thrusters at the end. A solid score on this will be those who are decently quick on all three movements. Beef and bison are for those who want a gymnastics challenge (bar or ring muscles ups are fine), but should only be attempted by those who are comfy with doing them in workouts and can perform them fast.
EMOM for 14 minutes
2 Squat Clean or Snatch
ADV: 1 Squat Clean or Snatch after minute 7B.)
30 Cal Row
200m Run
20 Thrusters 75/55 (30 @95/65)Beef+Bison
30 Calorie Row
5/3 Muscle Ups (Bison: 8/6)
30 Thrusters 95/65
I’ve put this retest in the programming a couple times before. Check the compare dates. While there are several good 5-round running CF benchmarks, I like this one made by us specifically for it’s measure of stamina across 4 simple CF movements. If you have done this workout both times and were under 25 minutes, it’s completely fine to keep re-testing to try and move faster as is. If you were in the 18-20 minute range and want an extra challenge, I’d start with only changing one element, two at the most, with regards to weights or reps rather than simply bumping up the entire skill level (i.e. going from all things adv to beef). A couple more pullups OR pounds each round is fine, but I still want the workout to yield intensity and continuous movement! If you did it before and it took you longer than 27 min, I’d go with a more scaled down or lesser challenging version. If you have pullups but 9 would take longer than 90 seconds, scale the reps down or band up. Side note, we don’t encourage kipping with lots of band assistance!
RESTEST: Compare similar 12/20/17, 4/24/17
403m Run
9 Pullups (ADV: C2B) (BEEF: 12 C2B)
6 Burpee Box Jumps (BEEF: 9)
I don’t want this workout to be an adrenal “blow yourself out” for 21 minutes workout. I wrote it as an EMOM so that you don’t approach this with the same intensity as the “FIGHT GONE BAD” workout for 21 minutes”. I’d like you to think of a challenging but sustainable rep count for each movement, each set, that you can sustain for at least 80-90% of the workout. If you find halfway that the reps are super manageable within the minute, it’s totally cool to push harder on the last could rounds and get more points. The score for this workout is the lowest reps for each movement across all 21 minutes. I really enjoyed these movements meshed together in CrossFit Open 18.1 and am looking for a similar effect for you all to practice managing these movements with intensity.
A.) 10 Minute Skills
-Handstand Pushups/Walks/Wall Walks
-Hollow Holds ground or bar
-Strict Pullup, Ring Dips, or Muscle Ups
-Rope Climbs
ADV: 2-3 Sets of max reps for QUALITY with either skill or a combination
B.) Alternating EMOM for 21 minutes (max reps for each movement, but scored as lowest reps per movement across 21 minutes).
-Row, Bike, or Ski Calories
-Situps, Hanging Knee Raises, (ADV: Toes to Bar)
-DB Hang Clean and Jerk 45/25, 50/35, 55/40
Straightforward Sweat Shop strength day here. The focus today is getting a solid amount of squatting by building to a heavy 3-rep and ending with a nice intense finisher. The ring dips should only be for those who can do 6 in one set or less for at least 3 rounds. The pushups should be a nice leg break from the other movements. If you are comfy with handstand walks and can get at least a couple increments of 5 feet, go ahead and give it a try it in replacement of the pushing. If doing so, try not to spend more than 1 minute on it.
A.) Back Squat
*Ascending Sets
AMRAP in 10 minutes
10 Wall Balls (ADV: 12)
8 KB Swings 53/35 (ADV: 9 @ 70/44)
6 Pushups or ring pushups (ADV: Ring Dips)
AMRAP in 10 minutes
10 KB Swings 70/53
15 Wall Balls
30 Foot HS walk (Min 5 foot increments)
This was another good one I coached and did in the same week as Tuesday’s retest workout. If you choose the correct weight and reps, pace it smartly early, the workout should be intense. The lunges and shoulder to overhead should be done in more more than two sets.
RETEST: Compare 12/22/17
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
10 Barbell Lunges 75/55 (Adv: 95/65) (BEEF: 12 @ 115/75)
10 Shoulder-to-overheads 75/55 (Adv: 95/65) (BEEF: 12 @ 115/75)
15 Double Unders, 30 Singles, or 70m Run (ADV: 20 DU) (BEEF: 30 DU)
This workout will allow for some mix and matching based upon your pullup ability, squat strength, and running. I’m expecting and planning for the runs to take more time than the inside work. While I want a challenge on the movements inside, the sets for each, besides the burpees, shouldn’t be broken up more than once.
-Handstand Pushups/Walks/Wall Walks
-Hollow Holds ground or bar
-Strict Pullup, Ring Dips, or Muscle Ups
ADV: 2-3 Sets of max reps for QUALITY with either skill or a combination
800m Run
3 Rounds of:
12 Front Squats 95/65, ADV: 15 @95/65, BEEF: 15 @115/75
9 Burpees (ADV: 10 Bar Facing) (BEEF: 15 BFB)
6 Pull-ups (ADV: 10) (ADV+ C2B) (BEEF: 12 C2B)
600m Run (ADV: 800m Run)
800m Run
3 Rounds
10 Squat Cleans 135/105 or Squat Snatches 115/75
12 C2B
15 Bar Facing Burpees
800m Run
Have fun with the variety here. While choosing just 2-3 movements in a workout is perfectly fine and effective, every now and then it’s fun, at least for me, to have a variety to work on. The short rounds will keep you moving as you will not be overwhelmed with so much volume on any one given movement. Feel free to mix and match to your abilities but let’s not make this a 28+ minute workout.
ADV+BEEF Flip workout.
3 Rounds
15 Cal Row (ADV: 20) (BEEF: 25)
10 Alternating DB Snatch (ADV: 15 @50/35) (BEEF: 20@ 50-55/35-40)
3 Rounds
12 Box Jump Overs (ADV: 15)
10 Situps or Hanging Knee Raises (ADV: T2B) (BEEF: 15 T2B)
15 Wall Balls (ADV: 20) (BEEF: 25)
70m Farmer Carry 1KB+1DB equivalent to DB Snatch)@some point: (2) 70m Sled Pushes 90/45
Really awesome workouts this week!