Hydration Supplements
Community, General, TipsLast weekend we got a little glimpse as to what the summer will be like in the upcoming months. As many of us know the east bay summers tend to be VERY HOT, so we need to prepare for the upcoming heat as best as we can. As CrossFitters most…
Cut Out, Don’t Add in!
General, TipsAs many of you might already know I am an avid listener of podcasts. I have a select few that are my go to's and one of the CrossFit related ones is the Chasing Excellence Podcast with Ben Bergeron. For those of you who do not know, Ben Bergeron …
CrossFit Rowing – First Refine Technique, Then Add Volume, & Intenity
General, TipsAs with any movement, the more I investigate it, and try to improve it, the more I learn about it. For a while now rowing has been one of those movements. For the longest time I found it boring and was uninterested in improving it, but as with…
Weekly WOD Insights 5/7/18
Tips, WorkoutsMONDAY
Our EMOM formats are used in a couple ways. Sometimes the focus is more about volume/conditioning by going longer or maybe more reps with less rest (every minute), or other times it's to be able to go heavier with attempting every 90…
How to Properly Use a Belt
General, Strength, TipsAmongst a couple of other popular items one of the more common things you will see in any CrossFitters gym bag is a weightlifting belt. The weightlifting belt, when used properly, can provide extra stability to the midline. This extra stability helps…
Weekly WOD Insights 4/9/18
General, Tips, WorkoutsMONDAY
We've followed this EMOM format for some time now. It's a great way to gradually warm-up, keep you focused and on task during the session, and it forces you to make quick adjustments. That being said, some of you who are just starting…
Quadricep Recovery and 18.5 Video…..Almost!
Community, Fitness, General, TipsIn CrossFit we tend to use the squat fairly frequently, in a variety of forms. Whether it's the air squat, back or front squat, squat clean or squat snatch, or wallballs, we see the squat show up a lot in CrossFit! This is with good reason,…
Form Creep
Strength, Tips, TrainingThe title on this article caught caught me by surprise, but when I saw it was written by Mark Rippetoe on Starting Strength, I thought it's probably another one of his goodies! I like to refer to Rippetoe a lot, not just in training, but when…
Kinetic Chain Deadlifts
General, Strength, TipsBy now many of us have have attacked 18.4 and as per usual the Open has exposed a weakness we should aim to improve: heavy deadlifting. For many many of us, the deadlift was our first exposure to a lower body compound movement. When you think…