Workouts for week 11/28-12/4
A) 10 minutes to work up to a 10 rep max back squat
B) 20 minutes emom
Row calories (rx: 10/8)(adv: 12/10)(beef:15/12)
Thrusters @ 95/65 (rx: 10)(adv: 12)(beef: 15)
Bike calories (rx: 10/8)(adv: 12/10)(beef:15/12)

WODs 11/21/22- 11/27/22
WorkoutsMonday 11/21
Part A:
Every 3 min x 5
5 Back Squat
5+5 Squat Jumps
Part B:
Alt. 10 min EMOM
10 Shoulder to Overhead + Max Cal in time remaining
10 Front Squat + Max Cal in time remaining

Weekly WOD Overview – 11/14/22
Skill/technique is best trained in lower intensity environments, while "fitness" can be developed with low skill, high intensity environments. For most of us, the limiting factor on olympic lifts is technique. Improve the…

Weekly Workouts 11/7/2022
I like having Monday's reserved for squat days. But I also like all the clean work we got in last week. So today I'll try to add everything together by isolating the pull under the bar allowing for a squat movement as well. And if…