10/29/18 Weekly WOD Review
Starting off the week with some interval training! Each interval should take you 3:00 - 3:30 (at the MOST 4:00) so please plan accordingly by checking in with your coach in order to get the appropriate stimulis. Although your score…
Knowing When to Pivot For a Better Workout
Fitness, General, TipsAbout a month ago I attended a workshop put on by a company called Active Life Rx. In the workshop we learned how to do simple movement screenings that can give us a lot of insight as to what people need to work on in terms of their mobility,…
Weekly WOD insights 10/22/18
Fitness, GeneralMonday
This week for our back squats we will be working with a format thats a little different than usual. Try to make each set challenging, but aim to not fail any. If you felt like you left a little in the tank on the first sets of 5 or…
New Skill = New Challenge
Over the past few months it's not a surprise to most that we incorporate a few skill sessions throughout the week. As these are becoming a staple in our weekly programming, it's important to remember that these are great opportunities to…
Weekly WOD Overview 10/15/18
General, Training, Workouts
Weather you can make it in a for a couple days this week or not, try to get outside and enjoy this weather! Oh man...you know you're getting up there in age when you screen shot the weekly forecast. #oldman
The format for today…
💰Money Mobility Moves 2💰
General, Mobility, TipsSo a while back I posted about money mobility moves. Essentially they're mobility movements that I think will maximize your bang for buck when it comes to working on mobility in a time efficient manor. I talked last time about the plank wave,…
Weekly WOD Overview
General, Workouts
Rather than 15 minutes straight AMRAP this one is broken up with just a little run and some double unders. Even though it's not the same movement pattern, the double unders can still make the pullups and pushups challenging,…
October Challenge: Rope Climbs!
Community, Competition, Generalhttps://vimeo.com/293752585
Time to step up our rope climb game! Since we've been implementing our skills sessions during class a lot lately, I think it's a good time to put a little challenge out there. For October, I'm officially challenging…
Ring Row Technique
Strength, TipsRing Rows are an amazing tool for developing pulling strength. Unlike the strict pull up where you support all of your bodyweight, you can easily dictate how much weight you want to support in the ring row. This allows you to increase the…