Monday’s Featured Member

Name: Cally Age: 29   How long have you been doing CrossFit? I’ve been doing crossfit for about 6 years or so. I started out in my parents garage with my brother back in 2013. We recreated the garage into a gym with all the standard…

Weekly WODS 9/29/19

MONDAY Check out this video here on tips of the early arm bend in the olympic lifts. A slight elbow bend is not necessarily a bad thing, but if you have one, see if yours follow the criteria for an "Ok". A.) Every…

Weekly WOD Review 9/23/19

Monday Happy Birthday Alanna! 23:00 workout for today's date 27 bar facing burpees for...I'll let you all figure that one out Burpees performed at 9:00 for the month (and 17:00 just for the cherry on top) Name of the game is slow and steady.…

Weekly WOD Review 9/16/19

Monday  If you're going advanced you'll still be doing the every 90 second format but you'll do 5 sets of 2 reps per interval, and then switch over to one rep for the last five sets. For the finisher you ideally want to be doing the wall balls…

Monday’s Featured Member

Name: Vic(alish) Sandhu Age: 31.734     How long have you been doing CrossFit? I started in April 2015, so 4 years and 5 months.    What were you doing for exercise before CrossFit? I ran two half marathons and was working…

Weekly WOD Review 9/9/19

MONDAY While part B has a lot of rounds, I'd like you to stay moving quickly throughout each of them. Choose a weight you can comfortably move and can easily transition to the next movement. Experienced ADV folks looking to do one more round…

Weekly WOD Review 9/2/19

Monday Happy September! A big chunk of this workout is the beginning, once you get through the round of 21 the workout will go by pretty quick! Mentally, stay strong for the 21s, manage your heart rate through the round of 15, then get ready…