Weekly WOD Review – 5/30/22
Uncategorized, WorkoutsMonday
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it "Body Armor". From here on it will be referred to as…

Weekly WOD Review – 5/23/22
Uncategorized, WorkoutsMonday
If you have been working off of percentages or have a relatively recent 1RM, I encourage you to warm up to around 70% and start there. From that point, depending on how you’re feeling, build based on your comfort level. Alternatively,…

Weekly WOD Review – 5/16/2022
Uncategorized, WorkoutsMonday
For today’s AMRAP, you will repeat it 3 times. Each 8:00 AMRAP will begin with an 800m Run, and in the remaining time, you will perform the AMRAP down below. After 8:00 is complete, you will have 1:00 to rest and then you will begin…

WOD Insights 5/9/22
Tips, WorkoutsMonday
The inevitable has arrived. Squat sets of 8. We rarely dip into the higher volume sets so I wanted to use these past couple of weeks to get some volume work in. Last week we did sets of 7 so you can use that to guide your weight selection…

Weekly WOD insights 5/2/22
Tips, UncategorizedMonday
I probably sound like a broken record talking about aerobic training but I won't let up! There's many benefits from specifically training to improve your aerobic system. It improves your bodies ability to deliver oxygen which mainly…