Entries by James Barber

Weekly WOD Overview 12/5/22

MONDAY For today, the strength EMOM is a little shorter to allow for a little longer finisher with smaller/heavier barbell options. The EMOM is not a ton of time, so get warmed up early on the barbell if you can. I encourage you to ascend if the gym is an icicle. For the metcon, rx’d […]

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Weekly WOD Review 9/26/22

MONDAY This workout is designed to keep everyone moving at a quick pace. While the movements are simple, but the monotony can test your patience and pacing. I’d like you to pick a weight you can cycle or do fast singles around the same pace throughout the entire workout and maybe a little faster as […]


WOD Overview 7/4/22

MONDAY Happy 4th of JULY! Here’s a nice chipper in honor of all 4th of July Summer Blowout Sales! Sell out today! Given the simplicity of the format today, those of you who regularly rx or adv workouts and want to go longer run or rower is totally OK today! I’ve included my guesstimates on […]

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Weekly WOD Insight 4/11/22

MONDAY – The goal for today is to use part A as a warm-up for folks to go heavier on part B, while also briefly checking in on push press/jerk/split jerk technique which we don’t always program in isolation. The reps are coming from the ground so choose some technical loads for part A. – […]

WOD Overview 1/17/22

MONDAY Happy MLK day! Today each piece has a little test within themselves. For the AMRAP and max distance sections, these were intended to have you hone in on your distance and amrap barometer for 10 minutes. The heavy lift in the middle is a fun little challenge to see what you can hit under […]


Weekly WOD Review 10/25/21

MONDAY – The top and bottom sections for rx’d and adv should take around 7-9 minutes give or take with transitions while beefy should tap in a little longer. My intention for the short rest is to give you a quick “reset” before smashing on the burpees. 1 minute rest between sections doesn’t seem like […]

Weekly WOD Review 10/18/21

MONDAY -Building off two weeks ago, we did hang + floor the entire way. Today, we will do 5 sets worth the same, but for the last 5 sets, we will do solely from the floor. The intention of the low hang is to work on staying patient when moving the bar around the knee […]

Weekly WOD Review 10/11/2021

MONDAY -The time domain I am looking for in this workout is bt 17-24 minutes. -While the sets themselves are bigger today, you should be able to push the pace harder than most chippers. For one, you’ll have a bit of time before your second go at the movements. Secondly, we’ve done much more volume […]

Weekly WOD Review 10/4/2021

MONDAY -We will follow our traditional “Strength” option, but for today, there is a “stamina” option we’ve used in year’s past where we start with a cardio buy-in before hitting the heavy lifts. In addition to it being a good test of overall fitness, cardio buy-in, can serve as a decent warm up. For some, […]