Weekly WOD Review 10/18/21

-Building off two weeks ago, we did hang + floor the entire way. Today, we will do 5 sets worth the same, but for the last 5 sets, we will do solely from the floor. The intention of the low hang is to work on staying patient when moving the bar around the knee (as opposed to prematurely driving hips forward) and to practice pulling the shoulders back once the bar is around mid-thigh. I’ve felt that starting below the knee helps isolate this.
– For the metcon, the machine will take the longest so choose a barbell or gymnastic option that you could do unbroken (or with assistance for gymnastics).

A.) Every 90 second for 15 minutes
Snatch or Clean
First 5 Sets: 1 Hang Below Knee + 1 From Floor
Last 5 Sets: 2 From Floor (ADV: 1)

For Time
11 minute clock
-Shoulder to Overhead 75/55, 95/65, 115/75 (Gymnastic Option: Pushups, Ring Pushups, Ring Dips, or HSPU)
Calories any Machine
*10 Double Unders (ADV: 15) (Beef: 20) After Each Set

– Ideally, Rx’d folks should have considerably more time on the ascending AMRAP than the other levels. I’d like rx’d folks to rack up those calories and burpees! For ADV/BEEF/BISON, The first part will be the workout. You can hold the DB as you wish, but remember that the rep finishes when you step OFF of the box with the dumbbell in your grasp. No resting it on the box. I think shooting to beat the 15’s is a manageable ask.

22 Minute Clock
5 Rounds
5 Clean and Jerks 115/75, 135/95,155/105, (Bison: Ascending 115/75, 135/95, 155/105, 165/115, 185/125).
10 Single DB Step Ups 45/25, 50/35, 55+/40+
5 Pullups (ADV: C2B) (Beef: 10 C2B or 3 Muscle Ups)
200m Run

Ascending AMRAP in time remaining:
5 Calories of choice
5 Down up (ADV: Burpees)

– On paper, the reps for wall balls and deads seem short, but coupled with the other movements, it’ll be grippy and lungsy. The weight on deads should be something you can do in 3 sets or less. Also, the beef distance is open to rxd-adv folks who love going longer and have the ability to. As you can tell I am on the cycle of WALL WALKING! If you are loving it, great! Keep it up! If you are over it, I think a static hold is a solid replacement here. Shoot for 45-60secs on holding the plank if so.

800m Run (Beef: 1200m Run)
21 Wall Balls (Beef: 2 for 1 Wall Balls OR Heavy Ball)
21 Situps or Hanging Knee Raises (ADV: 15 T2B) (Beef: 21)
21 Deadlifts 135/95, 165/105, 185/125, 205/155
3 Wall Walks or 60 sec plank hold (ADV: 4 WW) (Beef: 30ft HS Walk)

600m Run (Beef: 800m Run)
15 (ADV: 12 T2B)
2 Wall Walks or 60 sec plank hold (ADV: 3 WW) (Beef: 30ft HS Walk)

400m Run
1 Wall Walks or 30 sec plank hold (ADV: 2 WW) (Beef: 30ft HS Walk)

– Building off 2 weeks ago, I wanted to change the EMOM psychology by having dedicated rep ranges for all levels. While you will still go into these with “max reps” in your mind, like in all other metcons where we have dedicated reps, practicing to shoot for a number that we dictate allows you to see your reps to a barometer of skill attainment.
– The run should feel like a shuttle today. Like last week, if you don’t want to run or it is rainy out, pick up a db and do farmer carry or odd object carry but something you can do within a minute.

Alt EMOM for 24 minutes
– 7-9 Cal Any Machine, (ADV: 10-12) (Beef: 15-18)
– 10-12 DB Snatches 45/25, 50/35 (ADV: 13-15) (Beef: 16-20)
– 1 Rope Climb or 10 Ring Rows (Beef: 2 Rope Climbs) (Bison 2 Short Rope)
– 70m Run or ODD object Carry (ADV: 140m Run) (Beef: 200m)


22 Minute for A and A2
A.) Back Squat
*Ascending Sets

DB Bench Press or DB Floor Press or DB Bent Row

500m/400m Row or Ski (ADV f: 500) or 1200/1000m Bike
10 Sandbag or DBall over Shoulders (ADV: 12) (Beef: 15)
-Rest 1 Minute-
10 Box Jump overs (ADV: 12) (Beef: 15)
500m/400m Row or Ski (ADV f: 500) or 1200/1000m Bike

– The intention for today is to push the pace faster then normal. For Bison, the barbell is heavier so while I want you to push, you will need to be a little more fresh to hit the percentage. In terms of effort, you can shoot for 80-90%. There should be around 2-3 minutes of rest per set so there should be a good amount of time to recover.
– Scoring is the slowest split. This scoring format is a good way to challenge you to push, but not to blow up. By seeing where the slowest round was you can associate what it felt like BEFORE the drop off and how to approach next go. If you are able to push to your true perceived 90% for all sets and you have minimal drop off, you did it!

Every 6 minutes for 30 minutes
***Score is SLOWEST round
400m Run, 500/400m Row or Ski, or 1k Bike
7 Front Squats 95/65 or 5 Hang Squat Cleans 95/65, 115/75, 135/95, (Bison: 2 Squat Cleans @ 70-80% of Max
7 Pullups (ADV: C2B or 9 Pullups) (Beef: 10 C2B or 6 Bar Muscle Ups)
9 Down Ups (ADV: Burpees) (Beef: Lateral Burpee Over Barbell)


AMRAP in 20 minutes
20 Cal of Choice
15 Situps or Hanging Knee Raises (ADV: 10 Toes to Bar) (Beef: 15 T2B)
10 Russian KB Swings 53/35, 70/44, (Beef: American 70/53)
@ some point accumulate EACH of the following:
-800m Running
-(2) 70m Sled Pushes or Odd Object Carries