Entries by James Barber

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Weekly WOD Review 7/26/21

GO GET-EM COACH BREEZY! MONDAY This workout is a more chunky version of the benchmark cindy but with some runs/rows to give you a break on the bigger sets. Sorry, you know this is a JB go to. Forced cardio rest ;). Feel free to work with the coach on scaling options for push and […]

Weekly WOD Review 7/19/21

MONDAY If doing the strength option, compare the last 2 weeks. We will be doing heavy doubles next week. The cardio option is for those looking to hit some heavier reps under slight fatigue. While I myself have hit some of my best lifts after a run buy in, if you’ve never done that format […]

Weekly WOD Review 7/12/21

MONDAY If you’ve followed my monthly formula the last year, I’m very much a fan of the short rep, 10 set format. You have to pace to not blow up, but the reps allow you to stay moving at a relatively high HR throughout the workout. Given that the reps are short, transitions should be […]

Weekly WOD Review 7/5/21

MONDAY On this “holiday after a holiday” chipper, those going rxd and adv have an option to partition the long run as you see fit. For you aggressive runners, today is the day to go UNPARTITIONED (my fav new crossfit word). For most, this workout should take 20-25 minutes whereas the 1.5 mile runners and […]

Weekly WOD Review 4/26/21

MONDAY Compare your last 3 weeks on the oly cycle for this week. Last week, I was a little overzealous in trying to fit a heavy metcon with the oly lifts so here’s our familiar format. Use this as a test to see how the drills and training workout for you this cycle. Channel your […]

Weekly WOD Review 4/19/21

MONDAY The sneaky part of this workout is that while the later cardio portions are shorter, the deads/du/and pushups get a little more taxing. Choose a weight on deadlifts that can be done in 1-2 quick sets. As far as jump rope, you might notice that the reps are a little higher than normal for […]

Weekly WOD Review 4/12/21

ZOOM video Account.. suspended until further notice! The fans and tv ratings have spoken! MONDAY For this particular workout, I am looking for each section to take around 10-12 minutes. Mix and match to your skill set and if you’d like to ascend weights and are not doing beefy, work with the coach on what […]


Weekly WOD Review 4/5/21

MONDAY A.) 10-12 Minutes For Quality Split Jerk/Push Jerk/Push Press 2-2-2-2-2 *Can be done from RACK or clean if desired B.) “Matrix Reloaded” 12e Alt DB Snatches 45/25, 50/35, or 12 Power Snatches 75/55-96/65 12 Burpees or Down-ups 20 DU (ADV: 30) 9e 9 20 DU (ADV: 30) 6 6 20 DU (ADV: 30) *Cash out: 2k […]

WOD Review 2/1/21

MONDAY Folks are free to start on any portion that they want first! 3 Rounds 400m Run (ADV Runners: 600m) 10 DB Snatches 45/25 50/35 or 6 Power Snatches 75/55, 95/65, 115/75, (Bison: 5 135/95 Squat SN) -rest 2 min- 3 Rounds 15 Double Unders (ADV: 30) (Beef: 60) 18 Calorie of Choice (ADV: 20) […]