Weekly WOD Review 10/11/2021

-The time domain I am looking for in this workout is bt 17-24 minutes.
-While the sets themselves are bigger today, you should be able to push the pace harder than most chippers. For one, you’ll have a bit of time before your second go at the movements. Secondly, we’ve done much more volume (overall) in other workouts with wall balls and db snatches. You should be able to push the pace throughout the workout. While smashing through the workout, keep in mind you have around a 5-7 minute run ahead of you at the turn. This will take more than double the time then on any of the other movements. I encourage any newer rope climbers to do one or both rope climbs early on or before the other movements.

“A5 Wagyu Ladder”
20 DB Snatches 45/25, (ADV: Alt 50/35) (Beef: 25 @70/40)
20 Cal Any Machine (Beef: 25)
20 Wall Balls (Beef: 25)
20 Box Jump Overs (Beef: 25)
1200m Run (800+400m Hill)
20 BJO (Beef: 25)
20 Wall Balls (Beef: 25)
20 Cals Any Machine (Beef: 25)
20 DB Snatches (Beef: 25)

***accumulate @some point:
Rx’d: 2 Rope Climbs or 12 Inverted Ring Rows
ADV: 4 Rope Climbs or 2 Legless/Short
Beef: 5 Short Rope or Legless Rope Climbs


The intention behind today’s WOD is working lighter barbell cycling in conjunction with some simpler cardio movements. In order to better suit this overall effect, I threw in some rest for you all. The rounds should be around 3-5 minutes. As you might know, any barbell coupled with jump rope is a recipe for extra high heart rate! Manage well by breaking the barbell up and moving with quality. If you have just started working with us and the barbell is relatively new to you, feel free to cut down the reps to 9-7-5 to keep moving.

“Big A’s Lakeshow”
5 Rounds
400m Run, Row or Ski, or 1k/800m Bike
12 Deadlifts 75/55, 95/65, 115/75, 135/95
9 Hang Power Cleans 75/55, 95/65, 115/75, 135/95
6 Shoulder to overheads 75/55, 95/65, 115/75, 135/95
10 DU or 30 Singles (ADV: 20) (Beef: 40) (Bison: 60)
-Rest 1 Minute-

Refer back to last week’s 4-3-2 to gauge loading for the 4’s. The A2 can be in either isolation or in any combo of movements they’d like to work on. The finisher is meant to be as titled… Go for it.

A.) Back Squat
Sum of the best 4 sets

Accumulate 3 minutes of static holding at some point during squat session
– Plank, Hollow, HS Hold, Deadhand, L-Sit

“Bat out of Hell”
21 Burpees (Beef: Far Facing)
15 Thrusters 75/55 (ADV: 95/65) (Beef: 115/75)
9 Pullups (ADV: C2B or 4/2 Muscle Ups) (Beef: 6 Muscle Ups) (Bison: 12 MU)
200m Run

The focus on today’s oly sesh is working more time under tension. For clean and jerkers, the extra squat will make the jerk a little more challenging in that you’ll be dealing with more time with the barbell. The snatch folks will be challenged by an extra OHS with. Focus and dial in your technique when breathing high! For those who need more reps and less complexity, 2 reps of regular clean and jerks or snatches is fine.

Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes
1 Clean + 1 FS + Jerk
1 Squat Snatch + OHS

8 Minute Ascending AMRAP
2 Situps or Hanging Knee Raises (ADV: Toes to bar)
2 Barbell Lunges 75/55, 95/65, (Beef: OH Walking Lunge 95/65)
*1 Wall Walk (ADV: 2) (Beef: 3)
*1 Wall Walk
* Wall Walk

Bison Version
8 Minute AMRAP
10 Overhead Barbell Lunges 95/65
12 T2B
5 Wall Walks or 30ft HSWalk

This 3-part format was inspired by breezy and follows a similar structure we’ve done in the past with 2 parts. While I enjoy a solid 25 min slugfest of 5-6 movements in a row, we all can benefit from some simpler, more aerobic work in nature when we take it to 25+ minutes. The time on machine will go faster than you think with the tasks every 2 minutes. I want you to pace this like it’s a 25 minute, non-stop effort.

Max Distance Row or Ski in 9:00
Every 2:00 minutes starting at 0:00:
– 5 Devils Press 25-35/15-20, 35-45/20-25, 50/35
-10 Russian KB Swings 53/35, 70/44, Beef: American 70/53 or 5 Devils Press 35/15, 45/25, 50/35

400m Run (ADV: 600m) (Beef: 800m)
*Non running option: 200m Farmer Carry or ODD object Carry

15:00- 25:00
Max Distance Bike in 9 minutes
Every 2:00 minutes starting at 0:00:
– 9-15 Pushups or Ring Pushups ADV: 6-12 Ring Dips or HSPU, Beef: 15 Ring Dips or HSPU)


Did this one last week and loved it for the class. Ideally, I’d like to keep today under 28-30 minutes so choose a clean weight you can move in 2 quick sets or fast singles. Treat the middle portion as if you are doing 14 cleans in a row. The double unders in between were not a rest by any means!

3 Rounds
403m run
9 Hanging Knee Raises OR V-ups (ADV: T2B)
7 Power Cleans 95/65, 115/75, 135/95, (Bison: Ascending 135/95, 155/105, 165/115)
50 Singles or 20 DU (ADV: 40) (Beef: 50) (Bison: 60)
7 Power Cleans 95/65, 115/75, 135/95, (Bison: Ascending 135/95, 155/105, 165/115)
9 Hanging Knee Raises OR V-ups (ADV: T2B)
400m Row, Ski, or 1k Bike


“Partner Dine and Dash”
– To be clear, the AMRAPS are the same, the only difference is that in A, partners MUST alternate movements, and in B, they can split up the work as desired. This should create some solid bonding and teamwork!

***Partners work EVERY OTHER movement.
11 Minute Clock
***Both Buy in with run or row 800m, then
10 Wall Balls (ADV: 12)
6 Down-Ups (ADV: Burpees)
3 Pullups (ADV: C2B) (Beef: 1 Bar MU) (Bison: 3 Bar MU)

Immediately at 11:00 minutes,
11 Minute Clock
***Both partners run or row 800m, then,
continue AMRAP where you left off, BUT, WORK CAN BE SPLIT UP AS DESIRED.