Sweaty Swag Board
The "Sweaty Swag" board is up and running at the Sweat Shop! While we've had a goal wall at the gym in the past, this board is more of a PR board and just all around general accomplishments. One of the main differences is that this one…
Comfort and Mental Practice
Nabil and team SS at the 2013 NC Regional. While we prepared well for this event, I remember we had to scoot back almost a foot because the platform was like squatting on a downhill ramp! Nice shades, Nabil!
We've written many posts and cited…
Big Picture
Good afternoon everyone,
As some of you may know, I work part-time for the Golden State Warriors. For those of you who didn't know, I work part-time for the Golden State Warriors!! And as I return home from the Championship Parade (nice and…
Coffee Killing Your Gains?!
GeneralNo. Coffee is not going to make you less fit than you currently are. Just to take away all knee jerk reactions and nervousness. Coffee is one of, if not the most, commonly consumed beverages in the world. It is an art for some, a social outlet…
Media and Photoshop
In today's world, you really can't trust what you see in a photo. Magazines and adds have been photoshopping their photos for years. Instagram is no better, we assume that because it's a social medial site, those photos are untouched. I came…
Spartan Race – Sat. November 11th – Sacramento, CA
A couple of years ago there was a big group of Sweat Shoppers that did a Tough Mudder and it was a really fun time. From everything I've heard, the Spartan Race is even better. Less gimmicky like electrocution wires, and more about just…
Sweat Shop Golf Outing/Weekend Reading
Today was a beautiful and fun day outside with the Sweat Shop crew at our annual golf outing! We took to Boundary Oaks Golf Course and while challenging, the team format kept it fun and interesting! While everyone played very well and had…
Workout Awareness
Awareness is a powerful tool for when we go through workouts at the Sweat Shop, and yesterday's workout (the every 6:00 for 30:00 workout) was an excellent one to build that awareness. What's important about building awareness is that it allows…
Own Your Mobility
Fitness, General, TipsRoll this. Smash that. Stretch this way. When it comes to mobility the list is endless in terms of what we should and could do in order to become a more mobile human beings. A lot of the times it can be overwhelming, and we do not know where…