Weekly WOD Insight 3/21/22



Longer daylight and warmer weather can only mean one thing…. return of the 1 Mile Run!  While I think having the Contra Costa Canal trail at our front door is nice, others may not be as stoked… therefore, you also have the option to do row, bike or ski equivalent.  The Rx’d distances should take most people between 7-10 minutes to complete, leaving the remaining time on the 15 minute clock as rest before starting part B.  For fast runners, rowers etc., or those that don’t mind only having a minute or two of rest before starting part B., there are ADV. distances that are a bit longer.  Part B. is a shorter version of the classic CrossFit workout “Cindy”.  When paired with the run, Cindy is an excellent way to prepare for Memorial Day Murph!  My recommendations are if you struggle with pullups, don’t opt for the row in part A.  Lastly, if pushups are tough, aside from using a band placed on the J-hooks to give some assistance, scaling the volume from 10 reps to 5-7 reps will keep your moving, but still give you plenty of volume to make improvements on your pushups.

A.) 0:00 – 15:00

Choose One:
1 Mile Run / 2K Row or Ski / 5K (men) 4K (women) Bike

1.5 Mile Run / 3K Row or Ski / 8K/6K Bike

B.) 15:00 – 25:00

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes
5 Pullups
10 Pushps
15 Air Squats

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This workout is intended to be one that keeps you moving, without any one particular exercise becoming a limiting factor.  As always, if you’re not a fan of running, feel free to substitute a machine of equivalent distance.  I like wall walks when done correctly and when not over prescribed in terms of volume.  To get benefit from the exercise, take it a little bit slower, both on the way up, and on the way down.  Our goal, when programming wall walks, is to develop the necessary strength and stability to hold heavy weight overhead, or to go upside down.  These shouldn’t be “CrossFit Open Wall Walks” where we go up and down as quick as possible.  If you feel like you want to go faster, just push the pace on your runs and your transitions between exercises.

5 Rounds for time:

2 Wall Walks (ADV. Handstand Pushups 6(men) / 4(women) (Beef HSPU 12/8)
12 Walking Lunge Steps holding (1) DB  45/25 (ADV. 53/35) (Beef (2) DB’s Front Rack 50/35)
10 Hanging Knee Raises (ADV. 5 Toes to Bar) (Beef 10 Toes to Bar)
403m Run

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If I only had one workout that I could do for the rest of my life, this would not be the one….. however, if I only had like three or four workouts I could do for the rest of my life, this would definitely be one of them.  I really enjoy clean & jerks, especially in an EMOM format, and while I’m not a huge fan of burpees, I like partner workouts where I can yell at my teammate…. or get yelled at.  No ghost calories on the bike, when you hop on perform 8 calories from whatever the monitor is reading when you start to pedal.

A.) 2 Clean & Jerks every minute on the minute for 15 minutes
ADV. 2 C&J for the 1st 5 minutes, 1 C&J for final 10 minutes

B.) “ExciteBike”
7 Rounds for time – Partner Workout
8 Calorie Bike
8 Burpees
*one person starts with bike, other starts with burpees

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There are several variations of squats, and one isn’t better than the other as they each have their benefits.  Front squats are probably my favorite because among other things, I feel like they have the most carry over into other movements we do in CrossFit.  That being said, if you struggle to hold the bar in a good front rack position, feel free to switch over to back squats.  However, if you do want to improve your front rack position, get at least a couple of your warm-up sets in as front squats, before switching over to back squats and going to the heavier load sets.  For part B you don’t have to be an absolute double under master to opt for the max rep double unders, however, if you tend to trip up on your double unders every couple of reps, this workout may be better suited with single unders.

A.) Front Squat
*ascending loads, rest as needed between sets, score sum of your 5 heaviest sets

B.) 4 Rounds
3:00 each round
200m Run
15 Russian KB Swings (53/35) (ADV. 70/44) (Beef American Swings 70/53)
Max Rep Double or Single Unders in remaining time

REST 30 seconds between rounds









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Minimal technique and little to no load for parts A. and C., mean intensity will be high!  If your legs are feeling wonky from the machine opt for box step-ups as a safer alternative.  Part B is 6-minutes in length to allow you’re heart rate to come down a bit, and provide an opportunity to get some rope climbs or strict pullups in.  You should also have a little time left over after the rope climbs or pullups to recover before the final 10 minute portion begins.  Sled push should be a light enough that you can do the 70 meters in less than one minute so you still have a tiny bit of rest built in.

A.) 0:00 – 10:00 Alternating every minute on the minute

  • Max Calorie Any Machine
  • Max Rep Box Jump Overs

B.) 10:00 – 16:00

Choose One:
Rx’d 2 Rope Climbs -or- 12 Strict Pullups
ADV. 4 Rope Climbs
Beef 6 Rope Climbs or 3 Legless Rope Climbs

C.) 16:00 – 26:00 Alternating every minute on the minute

  • Max Calorie Any Machine
  • (1) 70m Sled Push  (50/25lbs.) (ADV. 75/50lbs.)

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In September of last year I programmed this same workout, but it was only 18-minutes long.  I remember doing it with Helen, enjoying it, and feeling like I could have continued at the same pace for several more minutes.  This workout works just fine even if you are paired with someone who is on a completely different level of fitness as you.  Each person can have their own equipment, which also makes for quicker transitions.  Setup all your stuff close by, communicate with one another, and be open to adjusting who does how much even throughout the course of the workout.

“The Rock n’ Roll Express”
24 Minute Partner AMRAP –
one person working at time

6 Down Ups or Burpees (Beef – Lateral Over Barbell Burpee)
8 Deadlifts 135/95 (ADV. 165/115) (Beef 185/125) (Bison 225/155)
12 Wall Balls

@ minute 10:00 both partners leave for an 800m Run.  If one partner returns before the other they CAN resume AMRAP by themself until partner returns


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As the workout implies, use part A. to simply “work up to a heavy 3-Rep Push Press” (taking the bar from the rack).  This is different from when we program something like “3-3-3-3-3, ascending loads” where we are trying to accumulate as many heavy sets as possible.  Today’s format however will serve the purpose of getting a little practice with heavier loads in the push press, but also priming our bodies for the thrusters in part B.  Both versions of part B. for today are spin off’s of the final CrossFit Open workout from this year.  The Rx’d and ADV. version are meant to keep you moving for the entire 12 minutes given the reps and weight are more manageable, and the gymnastics skill doesn’t continue to increase.  As for the Beef version I genuinely wish I could take credit for the idea of reversing the order of 22.3, however, two Saturdays ago, just after completing 22.3, Bro Murph said, “run it back….. in reverse?”  And the idea was born.  I could be wrong, but flipping the order should make this more intense for those that can do all the movements.  For the record, I still think the original version CrossFit HQ programmed is better when programming for 200K people of different levels…but given that this is the first time Bro Murph has made a suggestion that makes sense, I felt compelled to give it a try.

A.) 15 minutes to work up to a heavy 3-Rep Push Press

B.) 12 minute AMRAP

9 Thrusters 75/55 (ADV. 95/65)
5 Pullups
20 Double Unders



For time:  (12 minute cap)

15 Thrusters 135/85
30 Double Unders
15 Bar Muscle Ups

18 Thrusters 115/75
36 Double Unders
18 Chest to Bar Pullup

21 Thrusters 95/65
42 Double Unders
21 Pullups