Weekly WOD Review – 3/14/22
Happy Monday. Today’s part A is identical to the previous week. If you were able to attend, I encourage you to use last week’s numbers as a reference for today. If you were unable to attend or were not able to record your numbers, you’ll want to use the warm up to build to a weight that is not too challenging to start with. Your coach will be able to assist you as needed here. As you start the workout, feel free to add or subtract any weight based on how you’re feeling. If you are one that is planning on adding a short run before your Back Squats, be sure to adjust your weights accordingly to account for the added conditioning stimulus.
For part B, your coach will be able to provide any additional options such as scaling, handstand technique, accessory, or mobility. Feel free to ask!
Strength Option:
Every 3:00 for 15:00
3 Back Squats ~80-90%
Conditioning Option:
Every 3:00 for 15:
200m -or- 403m Run
3 Back Squats ~75-85%
Every 1:30 for 9:00
:30 Max DB Snatches 30/20 (40/25) (Alt DB Snatches 50/35) (Alt DB Snatches 55+/40+)
:30 Push Ups (Handstand Push Ups) (4″/2″ Def HSPU) (30′ HS Walk)
:30 Rest
Happy Tuesday. You’ll quickly notice that each round will progressively get longer, so it’s important that your approach changes as this workout goes on. The 1:00 rest will allow you to recover and adjust your pace as needed for the upcoming round. Your coach will be able to provide additional strategies as well. Additionally, for this workout, it’s important to select a barbell weight that allows you to complete 4 Power Cleans and/or 4 Hang Squat Cleans in roughly :30 regardless if completed via “Singles” or “Touch n Go’s”. You’ll aim to complete the round of 12s and beyond. Good Luck!
20:00 AMREP
4 Power Cleans
4 Wall Balls
4 Hang Squat Cleans
4 Cals
– 1:00 rest –
4 Power Cleans
8 Wall Balls
4 Hang Squat Cleans
8 Cals
– 1:00 rest –
4 Power Cleans
12 Wall Balls
4 Hang Squat Cleans
12 Cals
– 1:00 rest –
4 Power Cleans
16 Wall Balls
4 Hang Squat Cleans
16 Cals
– 1:00 rest –
4 Power Cleans
20 Wall Balls
4 Hang Squat Cleans
20 Cals
– 1:00 rest –
Continue in the same ascending manner…
Select Barbell Weight for All Movements (Pick 1):
75/55 (95/65) (115/75) (135/95) (165/115) (185/135)
Happy Wednesday. With your Deadlifts, you’ll pair it with a machine (ideally something other than rowing) along with some midline work. You may choose to perform Sit Ups or Toes to Bar, but you’re more than welcome to incorporate movements such as Hanging Leg Raises, Knee Tucks, or some sort of Static Hold. Your coach will be able to provide additional options for you as well.
For part B, select the appropriate pull up version based on your goals. If needing a band, select one that allows you to complete a minimum of half of the required repetitions. There are other options such as incorporating the rings or getting some technique work in as well. Your coach will be able to provide any additional exercises as needed! You’ll aim to complete 3-5 rounds.
Alt Every 1:30 for 15:00
1) 5 Deadlifts ~70-80%
2) :30 Max Cals + :30 Sit Ups -or- Toes to Bar
8:00 AMRAP
10/8 Pull Ups (Chest to Bars) (5/3 Muscle Ups) (2/1 Rope Climbs)
8 Burpees
70m Sled Push (25-135/15-90) -or- Odd Object Carry
Be sure to select a Shoulder to Overhead weight that you are able to complete a minimum of 5 consecutive repetitions. Your coach will be able to provide any strategies that relate interval-style workouts as well. Ideally, you’ll be moving at a pace that you can sustain throughout all 4 rounds. The 1:00 rest that’s included after each round will allow you to recover enough in order to try put forth the same effort again. Interval workouts are tricky as sometimes it’s easy to move faster than you should. If this is the case for you, or if this is something you’d like to learn how to avoid, I encourage you to go at an easy pace for round 1. From that point, during your 1:00 rest, you can recover and adjust your pace as needed for the upcoming rounds. You’ll aim to complete each round in about 3:00 – 4:00.
4 Rounds
14/12 Cals
5 Shoulder to Overheads 75/55 (95/65) (115/75) (135/95) (165/115) (185/135)
200m Run
5 Shoulder to Overheads
14/12 Cals
– 1:00 rest –
Your coach will be able to assist you in selecting an appropriate version in today’s weightlifting session. In either version, you’ll focus a lot on receiving the bar in the Power Position. If you desire, your coach will be able to offer a Snatch option if that’s something you’re wanting to work on!
For part B, it will be important that you select a weight for the Thruster that will allow you to complete the 7 repetitions in less than 1:00, regardless of how many sets it takes you to complete it. You’ll aim to complete the entire workout in about 7:00 – 10:00.
Every 1:30 for 15:00
2 x (1 Power Clean + 2 Front Squats)
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean (above knee) + 1 Hang Squat Clean (above knee) + 1 Front Squat
3 Rounds
403m Run
7 Thrusters 75/55 (95/65) (115/75) (135/95)
The intervals today are a little longer than the ones from the past few weeks. Today, you can expect to complete each round in about 5:00 – 6:00. Although a bit longer, the 1:00 rest after each round will still allow you to recover a bit and adjust your pace for the upcoming rounds. If possible, try to complete each round in roughly the same amount of time. Your coach will be able to provide any additional strategies that relate to pacing and approaching these longer intervals.
3 Rounds
10 Burpee Box Jumps
15 Russian KB Swings 53/35 (70/44) (American KB Swings 53/35) (American KB Swings 70/44)
800m Run
– 1:00 rest –
Today will be fast and furious. The time domains are on the shorter end, but your goal will be to complete 3 – 5 rounds in each 6:00 workout. You’ll select 1 barbell weight for the entire workout, and it will be important that you are able to complete the required repetitions for each movement in :30 respectively. Any longer and you risk an entirely different stimulus. Your coach will be able to provide any specific strategies. Enjoy!
– 0:00 –
6:00 AMRAP
14/12 Cals
5 Deadlifts
– 7:00 –
6:00 AMRAP
12/10 Cals
7 Hang Power Cleans
– 14:00 –
6:00 AMRAP
10/8 Cals
9 Front Squats
Select Barbell Weight for All Movements (Pick 1):
95/65 (115/75) (135/95) (155/105)