Intramural Week 1

Chris G smashed 17.1! Great job on 17.1 everyone! It was a close battle but at the end of it, Team "One Tribe" took week 1. It's a long five weeks and with each new week is a new challenge that each of you can showcase your strengths. It's…

And just like that… Hello 17.2!

And just like that...more dumbbells! Right off the bat this workout looks like quite the forearm burner, so might be smart to do what you can to limit any forearm lactic acid build up. Check it out... Complete as many rounds and reps as possible…

17.1 Sweat Shop Swag

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17.1 is in the books and our backs couldn't be happier to have that one behind us! Great job to everyone who competed, and a BIG thank you to all who cheered, judged and came out to show your support. I don't know about you guys, but,after…

Next On-Ramp April 17th!

Our next On-Ramp start date is Monday, April 17th at 6:45pm! While we don’t require new members to complete our On-Ramp program, graduates from the program enjoy the added benefit of learning the fundamentals of CrossFit during our 4-week…

CrossFit Open 17.1 + Kale Chips The Open is here! Workout 17.1 is a doozy! Here are the workout details: For time: 10 dumbbell snatches 15 burpee box jump-overs 20 dumbbell snatches 15 burpee box jump-overs 30 dumbbell snatches 15…

Olympic Weightlifting – Strength

Looking to improve your Clean & Jerk and Snatch? Check out this article! Although practicing the clean & jerk and snatch themselves are great ways to improve the lifts, there or other exercises that can help reach your long term goal…

Butterfly Pullups Explained

With the open rapidly approaching, I know some of you are wanting to become more efficient with your pull-ups. Butterfly pull-ups are much faster than kipping, but, without proper technique, can fatigue! When I was learning butterfly…

Beating Mental Blocks in Oly Lifts

I just came across this article at a perfect time as I've spoken to more than a handful of Sweat Shoppers about this recently; getting over the mental block on the lifts. The article is written by Greg Everett of Catalysts Athletics and I…

Rowing Tips & Tricks For those of you who are participating in the open, or who just want some helpful tips and tricks for rowing. I found this video that does a great job breaking down the segments of rowing. I am definitely guilty…