17.1 Sweat Shop Swag
17.1 is in the books and our backs couldn’t be happier to have that one behind us! Great job to everyone who competed, and a BIG thank you to all who cheered, judged and came out to show your support. I don’t know about you guys, but,after this first week, I’m even more pumped to be competing in the open. The intramural teams are super close….it’s anyones game! Let’s get after 17.2!
Rene, loved seeing the recap of our family getting gritty! HOPE more will be coming the weeks to come 🙂
Awesome Job Rene! It was fun watching everyone smash this workout. Also I think Im not alone in saying this but Vic was the most photogenic member this week!
Yeah Vic was the MVP of the 17.1 video!!