Entries by DJ Lynam

Weekly WOD insights 6/1/20

Monday  Short and sweet today. The goal for today is to have consistent scores across the two amraps. For the midline movements remember that you should still have relatively good control the entire workout. If doing the Beef option of a V-up means you will end up with less than ideal technique, then consider opting […]

Weekly WOD Insights 3/30/20

Hey Sweat Shoppers! I hope these at home workouts have provided you with a much needed physical outlet in these crazy times. We miss our sweat shop community dearly but it has been great seeing you guys attack the workouts over social media, and even hopping in to our online Zoom classes! Don’t forget we […]

Weekly WOD Insights 3/23/20: The At Home Edition

Hey sweat shoppers! I just wanted to let you guys know we will continue to support you guys through these tough times and will be providing you with workouts you will be able to do with very minimal equipment. We will do our best to ensure that you guys at the very least can maintain […]

Weekly WOD Insights 3/16/20

Hey Sweat Shoppers, sorry for the delay in getting these up. I had intended to do so yesterday but with everything going on I had to make some tweaks and modifications to the workouts to hopefully allow you all to keep doing most of the WODs. For some of the days I have provided minimal […]


Weekly WOD Insights 3/9/20

Monday  Haven’t done tempo in a while and since we are doing a month at a time I figured this would be a good opportunity to start to add in some linear progression with changing the tempo from week to week. Try to remember to have someone count for you so you can be more honest with the […]

Weekly WOD insights 1/20/20

Monday  Since we are coming fresh off of doing some back squats for volume, I thought I would do the same for front squats. Don’t immediately write it off, volume is extremely important when it comes to building wholistic strength. For the finisher today you’ll notice that the Rx’d movement is a down up.  I have […]

Weekly WOD insights 12/30/19

Monday  The goal for today is to hit each Amrap hard and have consistency on A and C with little drop off. You will have some rest between amraps but make no mistake, 90 seconds is not enough time to make a full recovery so pace it a little more like a 20 minute workout […]

Weekly WOD insights 12/9/09

Monday  I personally like to have workouts on Monday where you just move. I like to call them: Monday movers. Thats what I like to think of this workout as. Its just a workout where you move for a while. It is a repeat workout so check back to see if you did it when […]

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Weekly Wod Insights 11/18/19

Monday  Its been quite some time since we have tested out a one rep max so for you experienced lifters if you want to see what you are capable of go for it! If you haven’t tested out a one rep max before, but have been doing the olympic lifts for at least a year […]