Weekly WOD insights 6/1/20


Short and sweet today. The goal for today is to have consistent scores across the two amraps. For the midline movements remember that you should still have relatively good control the entire workout. If doing the Beef option of a V-up means you will end up with less than ideal technique, then consider opting for tuck ups or regular sit ups to maintain movement integrity.


7 Minute Amrap 
12 Dumbbell Snatches 45/25 (50/35) (14 Alt 50+/35+)
9 Burpees
12 Single leg V-ups (Adv 8 Tuck ups) (Beef 8 V-ups)


-Rest 3 minutes, repeat, separate scores for each amrap-


Strength option 
Back or Front Squat 
4x 5 (31X1)
Tempo reads: 3 seconds down, 1 second pause at the bottom, Explode up, 1 second pause at the top.


I really like this format because I think it allows for very consistent movement. The shorter runs or rows intermixed give you a nice change of movement to keep pushing the threshold for other movements. The russian twists can be weighted or bodyweight. If you are going to load that movement, I would air on the side of lighter than heavier. The focus for the twists should be twisting through the torso and not just moving the arms side to side.


20 minute amrap 
200m Run (:30s out, :30s in) or 250m/200m row
14 Single arm dumbbell or KB thrusters 45/25 or 8 Barbell 95/65 or dual dumbbell thrusters
200m run (:30s out, :30s in) or 250m/200m row
20 Double unders or 60 singles or 20 lateral hops (over DB or just on ground)
20 Russian Twists


For the mountain climbers, remember it is supposed to be a core movement. In addition to being a good cardio movement, you should feel your midline being challenged during the movement. Take the same approach for the renegade rows. GO HAM on the runs, and then slow down your pace a bit for the renegade row. If you find you’re having a lot of trouble with the renegade row, try doing them off of an elevated surface as shown in this video.

I know these a re tough times, but hopefully we are almost back to being together at the Sweat Shop! In the mean time be sure to try to make it to our zoom classes we are holding daily. I enjoy chatting with all of you and watching you guys crush workouts!


Bodyweight lunges (reps are for each side)




5 rounds 
12 Renegade rows 40+/20+
200m run or 250m/200m row or 100m odd object carry


Strength Option 
A.) Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes 
2 Cleans or Snatches


-rest 3 minutes after last set-


B.) Snatch or Clean singles 
4 reps at finishing weight for Part A


5 rounds 
Run 400m or Row 500/450m
14 SA DB hang clean and jerks 45+/25+ or 10 Dual DB Clean and jerks 45+/25+ or 10 Barbell Clean and jerks 95/65
15 Air Squats (Advanced Jumping air squats)


Strength Option 


A1.) Barbell Strict Press
3x 6 reps


3x 10 reps


3x 6 reps (40X1)


If you consider yourself a push up ninja, try out the archer push ups. The video will show you how you can progress or regress the movement as needed. The finisher is a short and sweet one. A classic couplet so hit the gas and try to hang on.


A.) 6 minute alternating strength EMOM
1- 8-12 Push ups (Adv Archer push ups)


B.) 8 Minute Amrap 
10 Burpees
 12 Sit ups (adv tuck up) (Beef 10 V-ups)


In a time where you may not have a whole lot to workout with, never overlook the value of basics. A lot of movements you can do at home can pay hue dividends in terms of maintaining or improving strength for when you are finally able to get back to the gym. If you have questions about what you CAN do at home, shoot me a message and lets talk!


The static holds will add in a nice challenging layer. Instead of getting rest between all the movements you’ll do static holds which will still allow for a little recovery. The benefits of static holds (isometric contractions) are huge so don’t sleep on those! Do your best to quickly go from your movement to your static hold. Use the 30 second rest at the end of each round to write down your reps.


4 rounds 
1 minute of jump rope (singles or doubles) or box jumps or lateral hop over DB
:30s of static lower body hold
1 minute of dumbbell hang snatches 45/25 (50/35) or barbell hang cleans or snatches 75/55 (95/65)
:30s of static midline hold
1 minute of goblet squats 45+/25+ or barbell front squats 95/65 (115/75)
-:30s of rest-


Static lower body holds
-Wall sit
-Goblet wall sit


Static midline holds 
-Forearm Plank
-Single leg hollow hold
-Hollow hold




-800m Run or 1000m/800m row-


4 rounds 
16 Bodyweight Jumping Lunges  or 10 Barbell 95/65 or Dual DB lunges 40+/20+
20 Mountain climbers


-600m Run or 750/600m Row-


4 Rounds
16 Single arm DB sumo deadlift high pull or 14 Barbell Deadlifts 95/65 or Dumbbell deadlifts
12 Single arm DB shoulder to overhead or 10 Barbell Shoulder to overhead


-400m run or 500/400m Row-

If you’re feelin down about somethin, get some dang SUNSHINE! I guarantee it will make you feel better. Just be sure to not forget your sunscreen if you’re fair skinned like myself.

1 reply
  1. Lones Stern-Banks
    Lones Stern-Banks says:

    Hey, DJ.
    Hope you are well and healthy.
    When you say “strength option” does that mean DO NOT do the metcon if we are doing the strength workout? Maybe both with a shorter metcon?


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