Weekly WODS 9/29/19


Check out this video here on tips of the early arm bend in the olympic lifts. A slight elbow bend is not necessarily a bad thing, but if you have one, see if yours follow the criteria for an “Ok”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFIy9Lddu80
Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes
2 Clean and Jerks
ADV: 1 Across @ 80%B.
1000/750 Meter Row, Ski, or 3/2k Bike (ADV Female: 1000m Row or Ski)
20 Clean and Jerks 95/65, 115/75, 135/95 (Bison: 20 Squat Clean and Jerks 135/95)
ADV+Beef go in reverse
3 Rounds
12 DB Snatches 45/35 (ADV: 12 Alt 50/35 or 10 Power Snatch 75/55) (ADV+: 10 PS @ 95/65) (Beef: 8 Snatch 115/75) (Bison: 8@ 135/95)
8 Pullups (ADV: 10 or 8 C2B) (Beef: 12 C2B or 5/3 Muscle Ups) (Bison: 6/4 Muscle Ups)
800m Run
3 Rounds
15 Cal Row (ADV: 20) (Beef: 25)
15 Wall Balls (ADV: 20) (Beef: 25)
403m Run (ADV: 800m)


A is similar to the old school format we used to do, but really want to manage the intensity and form on the deadlifts/pushups throughout the entire session. 3 minutes will still keep in metabolic and it should be plenty of time to do both with quality. The percentages are rough gauges on the deadlifts. Many of you have not tested a max in a while so, really just go by feel. You should be challenged but not to the point of you not being able to maintain integrity on your lifts. A.) Every 3 Minute for 18 minutes

5-7 Deadlifts (Rough percentage is 70-80%, or as you feel)
7/5 Pushups, 10/7 Pushups or 6/4 HSPU, (Beef: 8/6 Kipping or Strict HSPU)

1 Rope Climbs or 10 Ring Rows
20 DB Squats 35-45/20-25
200m Farmer Carry 45/25+lb (can be mixed with KB equivalent weight)
30/20 Cal Row, Bike or Ski

30 Cal Row, Bike, Ski Calories (Beef: 40)
200m Farmer Carry 50+/30+lb Equivalent
30 DB Squats 50/35 (Beef: 50-55/35-40)

2 Rope Climbs (Beef: 2 Regional)


A.) 6 Minute Alternating EMOM Skill Session
-Ring Work
-KB Work
2 Cycles
2:00 Clock
140m Run (ADV: 200m Run or Row)
Max Shoulder to Overhead 75/55, 95/65, 115/75
Max Box Jump Overs
Max Situps/V-ups/Hanging Knee Raises (ADV: Toes to Bar)
Max Burpees
*rest 30 sec each set.
Tempo Front Squat
AMRAP in 9 minutes
10 Russian KB Swings 53/35 (ADV: 70/44) (Beef: 12 American @ 70/53)
8 Barbell Lunges 75/55, 95/65, 115/75 (Bison: DB Lunge: 50/35)
15 Double Unders or 30 Single Unders (ADV: 20 DU) (Beef: 30 DU)
Beef Only: (1) 15ft Handstand Walk each round
Bison Only (1) 30ft HS Walk each round


A.) 6 Minute Alternating EMOM Skill Session
-Ring Work
-Static Core

5 Rounds
6 Hang Power Cleans 95/65, 115/75, 135/95, 155/105
12 Wall Balls (ADV: 15) (Beef: 18 Wall Balls)
6 Pullups (ADV: 6 C2B) (Beef: 10 C2B)

*At some point, Accumulate 1600m of running or rowing.
*Beef, do WHOLE distance at once, at any point.

I’d like the focus on this workout to be lower/moderate intensity throughout. There is no rest, just transitions. With that said, move for quality on everything, especially during the grunt.

ADV/Beef start with C.)
AMRAP in 8 Minutes
8 Hanging Knee Raises or V-uPS (ADV: 6 T2B) (Beef: 8 Toes To Bar)
10/8 Row, Bike, Ski or Air Runner Calories (ADV: 12/10)
immediately into:
4 Minutes of Grunt/Skill Work or max reps
-Sled Pushes
-Sandbag/B-Ball Carries
-Sandbag/D-Ball Cleans
-Mix/Rack Carries
-400m Medball or Plate Run
-Rope Climbs
-Muscle Ups
-Ring Dips
-Handstand Walks
Immediately into:
AMRAP in 8 Minutes
6 Burpees (ADV: 8 Burpee over the DB)
12 DB Snatches 45/25, (ADV+Beef: 14 Alternating 50/35)
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