Beating Mental Blocks in Oly Lifts

I just came across this article at a perfect time as I've spoken to more than a handful of Sweat Shoppers about this recently; getting over the mental block on the lifts. The article is written by Greg Everett of Catalysts Athletics and I…

Rowing Tips & Tricks For those of you who are participating in the open, or who just want some helpful tips and tricks for rowing. I found this video that does a great job breaking down the segments of rowing. I am definitely guilty…

Congratulations Andrew & Ashley!

Congratulations to Andrew & Ashley, who were recently married in Tamarindo, Costa Rica!  Be sure congratulate Andrew next time you see him in the gym, he's easy to spot, with the gloomy weather we've been having in the Bay recently, he's…

Doing What You Love

Kyle and I taking some time off to hit the slopes In the spirit of Valentine's Day, I wanted to do a post on making time for doing the things you love. Getting up to Tahoe isn't as easy as it was when it was just Kyle and I, but taking the…

Preseason Wrap Up

Big props to Chris and Danielle who were our only Sweat Shoppers to complete all 5 of the CrossFit Open Preseason workouts we did in conjunction with CrossFit Walnut Creek.  For their hard work they'll each receive a $15 Hiroshi's gift certificate…

OPEN To Make It What You Want

This picture is one of my all time Sweat Shop favorites! Old school Jin being Jin! This was during the FIRST CrossFit Open in 2011 when just a handful of us Sweat Shoppers drove down to CFO to do the workouts. The best part about this photo…

Dumbbell 101

Dumbbells in the open?! Yes, for the first time ever dumbbells have been announced to be included in this year's open! Or Castro could be messing with all of us...either way! Here are some workouts you can run through on your own or with some…

MEGATRON: Hip Distraction Series

, , , , Got tight/nagging hip issues? We present to you the "Megatron hip distraction series". In addition to tissue work, basic stretches, and warm-up, using banded joint distraction exercises are extra helpful in alleviating…

The Role Of Split Lifts In Improving Athleticism

I came cross this article on Breaking Muscle written by coach Bob Takano. I really liked what he said about determining your stance, so often I see athletes that are unsure of what their width should be, this is a great way determine how far…