OPEN To Make It What You Want
This picture is one of my all time Sweat Shop favorites! Old school Jin being Jin! This was during the FIRST CrossFit Open in 2011 when just a handful of us Sweat Shoppers drove down to CFO to do the workouts. The best part about this photo is that Nabil took another shot right behind him of his youngest daughter, Maddie, just only about a year old or so, laughing hysterically at him while he was sucking wind. Nabil, you need to find that photo! I had such a blast doing my first Open at CFO in that I got to watch my old buddies Brandon and Connor (seasoned CFers EVEN at that time) and other CFO-ers smash the workouts. It was inspiring to watch and humbling that they would cheer us on once our squad went. It was great to see the support everyone had of each other just to get through the workout itself! This is really was drives me to do it year in and year out.
Over the years, the regional and Games-level competition has garnered a lot of the attention, and rightfully so. The competition is super exciting to watch and be a part of. We’ve been fortunate to have our very own Sweat Shoppers represent as teams and individuals all of whom have made it far these past years! We couldn’t be more proud and we expect the bar to continue to rise! With that said, equally as exciting is seeing the entire gym come together and do the workouts, especially for the every day Sweat Shoppers who don’t normally compete. Ever since the first Open workout at CFO, each year at Sweat Shop I’m gifted with fond memories of milestones, PRs, laughs, and breakthrough performances from all Sweat Shoppers of all levels! Last year, it was amazing seeing non-competitors get bar muscle ups in such short time and seeing squat clean PR’s on a metcon! Whether it’s to set personal goals, or to have an excuse to hang out and throw down with friends, or like the case of this photo, a time to entertain and make your family chuckle, the Open is what you make of it. For elite competitors and recreational fitness-goers, the Open is just another opportunity to create more awesome experiences you can look back on, not matter what your goal is or how far you make it!
If you want to take part in this years Open, register here. We are running a fun intra-gym competition this year as well, so check out the details here!
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