Welcome Bradlee and Anthony!

Congrats to the newest editions to the Sweat Shop families! The boy train is running strong in 2018! Brian and Cathy Kenny welcomed their first born, Bradlee, aka BK Broiler Jr, into this world on March 23 weighing 8lbs 7 ounces! Tony and…

Friday Night Lights. Coming Soon to a Park Near You.

Last year we had a HUGE turnout for basketball, beers, and music at Larkey Park! As the day's start to get longer, allergies start to kick in, and the heat begins to turn up look for some Friday Night Lights on the courts! More details to…

Golfers Elbow Fix

Within the past year or so I have noticed an increase in elbow pain, specifically medial epicondylitis (or Golfers Elbow as its more commonly known), within the Sweat Shop community. Golfers elbow is when your tendons on the inside of the elbow…

Weekly WOD Insights 4/23

Monday Compare this workout to 1/11/18. The first portion of this AMRAP is all about the run. The power cleans should be light and something you are comfortable with cycling through. The second portion, or AMRAP, is where we will pull your…

Snatch-Back Friday!

https://vimeo.com/265868680 A couple weeks ago I filtered a bunch of snatch videos out from the "Coaches Eye" archive section in my Photos app. I thought it would be fun to compare some recent ones with those I found when I just started doing…

Tips For More Sleep and Better Sleep

Rene recently made a post talking about blue light and how it can negatively impact sleep, and in turn, take a toll on our health. In general, we talk about sleep a lot because it is really important!! If we get the optimal amount, and quality…

CrossFit Age Group Qualifiers Start This Week

Good luck to our Age Group Qualifiers, Mo, Jacqueline and Braydan, who will be taking on 3-5 workouts from Thursday to Monday as they compete for a spot in the 2018 CrossFit Games!  They've worked hard all year and this is the final qualifying…

Multitasking Fail

I typically draw inspiration from my life when sitting down to write the blog. This is one such blog post. Please, join me, on a walk down memory lane while I tell a tail of epic fail proportions. The other day, waking up feeling exceptionally…

Weekly WOD Review 4/16/18

Monday For most this workout contains very short reps with relatively simple movements. My intent for this workout is to keep people moving from one movement to the other without taking too much time in between. Push ups are usually the limiting…