Weekly WOD Review 4/16/18

For most this workout contains very short reps with relatively simple movements. My intent for this workout is to keep people moving from one movement to the other without taking too much time in between. Push ups are usually the limiting factor with most, or handstand push ups for adv and beefy folks, but I wanted something that was manageable from the first round all the way to the last. Thus the 3 reps! Understandably, push ups may still be a factor for some. In terms of scaling so that you can get 3 push ups each round, try scaling to a box or set up a barbell a few holes from the ground to incline yourself. I’m more of a fan of this method than going down to your knees. This way, people can still learn how to engage their core and prevent any over extension in the low back. Other than that, as a reference, I’m shooting for 3+ rounds each set! This is an interval style workout, designed to raise your heart rate, recover, and repeat. In doing so, it’s possible to spend more time in that higher heart rate zone as compared to a workout with no rest.
5 x 3:00 AMRAP
* 1:00 rest in between sets
* pick up where you left off
3 Push Ups
6 KB Swings 53/35
9 Air Squats
3 Handstand Push Ups
6 KB Swings 70/44
9 Air Squats
3 Def Handstand Push Ups 4″/2″
6 KB Swings 70/53
9 Air Squats
For all levels, I would like you guys to perform 2 clean and jerks every 1:30. I think there are a lot of benefits for performing singles, but for this particular strength session my goal is for all levels to get some good “volume” in. Volume does a couple of things, first of all it gives you guys a chance to get more practice in. Secondly, sometimes I think that being able to perform 2 reps at any given weight is a better indicator of strength and consistency. Somedays are better than others when it comes to olympic lifts, being able to perform a double at moderate to heavy weight is a good sign that you “have” the skill instead of sometimes getting lucky.
Pick a partner for part B, and you guys can decide to go on the rower, bike, or ski. You’ll be alternating sets on whichever you choose with your partner. Both of your scores will be the time it takes you guys to complete the required distance. Similar to Monday, the design is one that allows for rest in between your working sets, allowing you to recover and smash the next time you are on the rower, bike, or ski. Cheer your partner on, it’s essentially only 5 sets!
Every 1:30 for 15:00
2 Clean & Jerks
For Time:
2500m Row
* alternate every 250m with a partner
– or –
2500m Ski
* alternate every 250m with a partner
– or –
100/80 Cal Bike
*alternate every 10/8 with a partner
My goal for this workout is for each of you to be completing each round within 5 to 6:30 minutes, putting this workout in the 15:00 to 19:30 time domain. Ideally, I don’t want anyone going over 20:00. In order to achieve that, I want to give you guys some guidelines before attacking this one. First off, this workout is designed to be a LIGHT deadlift workout and overall low volume. Just because you can deadlifts 225# (like in the open) doesn’t mean you should go that route in today’s workout. If you’re 800m runs take longer than 4:30, I would advise to do the 603m runs. If you really want to get some 800m work in and you know it’s going to take you longer than 4:30, opt for very light deadlifts and low volume on the wall balls. The work done inside the gym (deadlifts and wall balls) should take no longer than 2:00, keep that in mind! Work with your coach and figure out what works best for you!
3 Rounds
603m Run (800m)
12 Deadlifts 135/95 185/135 225/155
15 Wall Balls (20) (25)
Check out beyond the whiteboard for an explanation on the format. In terms of reps, this workout is similar to Monday. Reps are relatively low and movements are relatively simple in order to keep you guys moving. In a typical ladder, reps would continue to increase, but here they go back to 3s! Be careful though, this workout is 18:00 straight through with NO rest. Try and shift your mindset to being a little bit more conservative in the beginning and saving some juice for the last 2 minutes. My goal is for everyone to complete at least 2 full cycles.
RxD Reps/Round: 74
Adv Reps/Round: 89
Beef Reps/Round: 109
18:00 AMREP
3-6-9-20 Double Unders
Sit Ups or Hanging Knee Raises
DB Snatches 45/25
3-6-9-35 Double Unders
Toes to Bar
Alt DB Snatches 50/35
3-6-9-55 Double Unders
Toes to Bar
Squat Snatch 135/95
Bar Facing Burpees
We haven’t gotten much “across” work in, so I wanted to give you guys the opportunity to do so. For this squat session I want to offer some guidelines to go about your strength session. First of all, when it’s time for strength…it’s time to rest, in between sets! The goal is to lift the most amount of weight (given the rep scheme) as efficiently as possible. A typical set takes about :15 -:20 seconds, and in order to recover that energy system, it takes about 3:00 at the least! So please take your time in order to maximize your strength session. With that being said, take about 10:00 to build up to your working weight, then allow for 15:00 or so on your sets across. In total, 25:00! Relax, socialize, and get stronger. This part is NOT a metcon 🙂
For Part B, here is your chance to get your heart rate up. Shoulder to overheads should be done unbroken and pull ups/chest to bars/bar muscle ups should be done in NO MORE than 2 sets in order to maintain a good sense of intensity. There is a 11:00 time cap in this one. For those that would like to practice bar muscle ups, but the beefy and bison options are a bit much here try and scale it down to 3s each round or something more manageable. As a reference, each round should take no longer than 2:30 minutes.
Front Squat
* Across at 75-80%
RxD and Adv:
4 Rounds
5 Shoulder to Overheads 95/65 115/75
5 Pull Ups (Chest to Bars)
200m Run
Beef and Bison:
4 Rounds
7 Shoulder to Overheads 135/95 155/105
7 Chest to Bars (Bar Muscle Ups)
200m Run
* 11:00 Time Cap
Today we have 2 short time domain workouts. Adv and Beef you’ll be starting with Part B in order to make the thrusters more challenging when you get to them. Thrusters should be a weight where you can do all 7 reps without dropping the bar. Even though the reps are short on the row/bike/ski, be conscious of your technique and how you are moving. Sometimes it’s easy just to pull hard without much thought, but since the time domain is so short, being efficient will save you a second or so! Which is maybe one or two more reps! Big deal!
7:00 AMRAP
7 Cal Row/Bike/Ski (11)
7 Thrusters 75/55 95/65 115/75
– rest 3:00 –
7:00 AMRAP
70m Run
7 KB Swings 53/35 70/44 (10 @ 70/53)
* Adv and Beef start with Part B
“FGB” Style
4 Rounds
1:00 Max Rep Wall Balls
1:00 Max Rep Box Jump Overs (Beef: No Step Ups)
1:00 SA DB Hang Clean & Jerks 45/25 50/35 55/40
1:00 Burpees
1:00 Rest
* score total reps
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