A.) EMOM for 15 mins
2 Clean + 1 Jerk
4 Rounds
12 Alt DB Snatch Rx’d:~35/25 ADV: Alternating @ ~55/35 (Beefy: Power Snatch 95/65)
15 Box jumps *Beefy no step ups
We did this workout back in December, compare to Dec 19, 2017. I like this format due to the intensity of the couplet, as well as the change in movement. I remember doing this workout in December and pacing was huge. Keep the intensity up and scale the double unders as needed. You shouldn’t be spending more than 45 seconds (if doing Rx’d) on them.
3 rounds of:
10 Power Cleans 95/65
20 Double Unders
— then —
3 rounds of:
1 Rope Climb
200m Run
— then —
3 rounds of:
15 Row Calories
15 Wall Balls
ADV, Beefy, Bison:
3 rounds of:
20 Row Calories (BEEF: 25)
20 Wall Balls (BEEF: 25)
— then —
3 rounds of:
2 Rope Climbs or 1 legless (Beef: 2 Regional)
200m Run
— then —
3 rounds of:
10 Power Cleans 115/75, BEEF: 135/95 (BISON: 15 Reps @135/95)
40 Double Unders (BEEF: 60)
With the new Sweat Shop Record board up, I wanted to give the opportunity put some new 800m scores up. This is an all out run, there will be ample rest (6-8 minutes) before part B so be sure to give it your all. For the AMRAP, the lunge weight should be something you can move through quickly. The limiting factor for most will likely be the shoulder to overhead weight, be sure to pander to that. Beefy folks, hold the dumbbells at the shoulders (2017 open standards). Use the same dumbbells you use for the workout for the carry.
A.) 800m TT Run, Row, Bike or Ski
-rest around 6-8 minutes-
12 minute AMRAP
12 Lunges 75/55 95/65 Beefy: Dumbbells: 45-55/30-35
10 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65 115/75 Beefy: Dumbbells: 45-55/30-35
70m Carry: Rx’d: 1 Medball ADV: 2 Medball Beefy: Dumbells
Squat day! We haven’t had the opportunity to do overhead squats so I wanted to offer this as the ADV option. Part B is short and sweet. Scale pushups by doing them on a box if need be. Rowing for calories is slightly different than rowing for meters. When rowing for calories, shorter, more intense pulls yield more calories than long passive pulls. Keep in mind the new burpee standard if you’re participating in the open. Both feet must jump back and forward (no more stepping).
A.) Front Squat (ADV Overhead Squat)
*Ascending weight
Buy in: 20 Cal Row (30) (40)
Then 3 rounds of:
5 (10) (15) Push ups
10 (12) (15) Jumping Air Squats
Cash out: 20 Burpees (30) (40)
*ADV & Beefy swap cash in and cash out
I’m shooting for a time domain of around 14-17 minutes. If you have toes to bar, feel free to do them in place of HKR if you’re opting for Rx’d. I’ll be testing this out early this week so stay tuned for updated feedback. The deadlifts should be light but keep form at the top of you mind when doing light deadlifts quickly.
5 Rounds
20 Double Unders or 30 singles (ADV: 40) (Beefy: 60)
8 Hanging Knee Raises or Sit ups (ADV: 10 Toes to Bar) (Beef: 12)
8 Deadlifts 115/75 (ADV: 10 @ 135/95) (Beefy: 12 @ 155/105)
8 Hang Power Cleans (10) (12)
A little barbell liberation for you today. Compare this workout to Sept 9, 2017. When you return back from your runs, pick up where you left off.
20 Minute AMRAP
11 Air Squats
9 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 70/44 70/53
7 Burpees
*403m run at 0:00, 5:00, 10:00, 15:00
For part A, do all of your 3×3 Strict Press and then moves on to your 3×3 push press. Rx’d and ADV is a variation of Jackie with a bit less volume. Come test out your Jackie time!!!
A1.) Strict Press 3-3-3
A2.) Push Press 3-3-3
3 rounds
10 Thrusters 45/35 ADV: 15
6 Pull ups ADV: 10
*Cash out with 800m Row
1000m Row
50 Thrusters 45/35
30 Pull ups
Jackie…. 😡