Weekly WOD Review 5/4/2020

Hope you all are doing well and are staying healthy! I’m on duty this month and I apologize in advance if these minimal equipment WODS need a little adjusting (programming-wise).  Keeping with Marko’s strength cycle, I’ve added a 3 lifting days and a functional strength day as it seems most of you have the lighter, more functionally appropriate equipment. Stay up everyone!
Team up for part A! For B, note that I have personally done the 200 Split Jacks and it takes me around 1:20-1:30. Less on lungs but more on my shoulders and calves! A big rest b/t sets here, so hit those runs with some conviction!
A.) Member Partner Challenge
2 minutes Max Air Squats and Pushups
*1 Person Does Squats, 1 Person does pushups.
5 Rounds
400m Run (1:00 out, 1:00 in) or 200 Split Jacks
10 DB Lunges 45/25 50/35 50+/35+ or Barbell 75/55
8 DB Snatches 45/25 50/35 50+/35+ or Barbell 75/55
6 Burpees (ADV: Over DBs or Barbell)

-Rest 2 minutes-

Strength Option
Back Squat, Front Squat or Deadlift
4×7 Across
This workout is a take on a classic benchmark for CrossFit. I wanted to break it up with a run and a simulated farmer carry. If you don’t have access to anything to carry that would make the carry effective, go ahead and do a second run run but at 400m distance (1:00 out and 1:00 in). Modify pushups as needed on a box, bench, or couch.
“Cindy’s Distant Cousin”
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 Push-ups or Pull-Ups
10 Situps
15 Air Squats
@ Any point:
– Accumulate 800m Run (2:00 out, 2:00 in) or Row or 400 Split Jacks
– 100m ODD OBJECT carry (approx 1:00 out 1:00 in)
Tabata workouts are intervals intended to keep a moderate to high intensity pace throughout the workout. You have rest every set, and the work time is short. For the DB Squat Cleans, keep a weight that is light enough to get 5-8 reps in. If you don’t have two, you can use one DB. Other good replacements are KB Swings, Goblet squats, or Air Squats if you don’t have any equipment. There has been a lot of pushing in this at home workouts, so I wanted a day without it, hence DOWN UPS. Feel free to do burpees if desired, but down ups should give you a chance to get more work in. For strength, think of it as 4 reps of pressing. If the push jerks and presses are too difficult, feel free to stick with push press. The main idea on the complex is to gain more time under tension and to develop some rack endurance. 
A.) Member Partner Challenge
Max Plank Hold
*Combined time of both folks.
Alternating Tabata
8 Rounds of :20/:10 off for each movement
DB Squat Cleans 45/25, 50/35
Side Plank Hold (R one round, L one Round)
Rest 2 minutes
8 Rounds of :20/:10 off for each movement
Jump Rope, Step Ups, or Box Jumps
Down Ups

Strength Option
Push Jerk + Split Jerk
5x 2+2 Across


I wanted a simple time trial today. Get outside and enjoy the weather. If you’re in the ZOOM class and don’t have a distance mapped out, just time an out/in run based on your previous PR mile (i.e. 7 minute mile= 3:30 out, 3:30 in). The weight on the thrusters should be light, so if you have a household item as a replacement, make sure it’s something you could do in 1 or 2 sets for the 21’s. 
@ 0:00
1 Mile Run (4-5 out, 4-5 in) or Row Time Trial
(Scale distance as necessary).
@ 14:00
12 Minute Cap
SA DB Thrusters 45/25 50/35 ADV: Double 50/35 or Barbell Thrusters 95/65
V-ups, Pullups, OR Burpees (ADV: BFB)
I’m sure they’ll need to be a bit of replacements to this based on what you have, but think it can be done with very minimal equipment. A good bodyweight replacement for this workout could be Pushups/Burpees/Box Step Ups or Jumps, Situps, and Squats. The strength option today involves working each position DURING the emom. Don’t worry if you are limited by either of the hang positions and that you can’t match your ground weight. The sole focus is to work those positions we don’t regularly do in WODS. Keep in mind, it is 3 reps each set, so plan your weights accordingly. 
KB Swings 53/35, 70/44 or Power Cleans 95/65, 115/75, 135/95
Wall Balls or Goblet Squats 53/35
Strength Option
Every 90 Seconds for 15 minutes
3 Position Clean or Snatch (Hip, Knee, Ground).
Shoot to go ACROSS for all 10 Sets. Solid Warm-up before hand.


 This is a classic FGB style workout. 1 minute of max reps of each exercise. Some good replacements for DB plank row is to hold a plank position for 30-45 seconds. Be safe on the hat jumps, and don’t feel you need to make a huge jump over an object. A single sock or drawn line would be fine. For the functional strength portion, you only need a set of dumbbells. Watch the instructional videos for these if you have not done them before. 
4 Rounds
1 Minute Dual Single Arm or Dual DB Clean and Jerk 45/25, 50/35, or Barbell CJ @95/65, 115/75, 135/95
1 Minute Situps, V-ups, Plank Knee Touches, or Toes to bar
1 Minute Lateral Hat Jumps or Box Jumps or Jump Rope
1 Minute Rest
Functional Saturday Strength Option

Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes
30-60 second HS Hold or Pike Hold
10-15 Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift High Pull
10-15 Dumbbell Bench Press or Floor Press

3 Rounds
7 Minute Clock
400m run or Row (1:00 out, 1:00 in) or 200 Split Jacks
AMRAP in time remaining:
8 DB Push Press 45/25, 50/35 or 8/5Pushups
10 DB Lunges 45/25, 50/35
8 Pullups or DB Bicep Curls 45/25, 50/35
-2 Minute Rest, repeat, and start where you left off.

James Barber M.S. C.S.C.S.

Trainer/Strength and Conditioning Coach
CrossFit Sweat Shop
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