Weekly WOD review 2/15/21
Today we have a nice and simple Monday mover. This workout is very open style where you have a couple of simple movements, a manageable rep scheme, and an uncomfortable time domain. If you opt for the row today, you’ll be able to get through more rounds. If you want to opt for the bike, you’ll be spending a little more time on the machine. Thats not necessarily a bad thing though…it means less time on the dreaded burpees 😅 ! Your score for today will be your total rounds. Remember amrep= as many reps as possible!
20 Minute amrep
5 Down up (adv burpee) (Beef burpee over DB)
10 Dumbbell snatches 45/25 (adv 50/35) (Beef alt 50+/35+)
5 Down up
10 Dumbbell snatches
10 Down up
15 Dumbbell snatches
10 Down up
15 Dumbbell snatches
25/20 Cal any machine (adv 30/25) (Beef 35)
-Reset to beginning and ascend again-
*at min 6 and 13 rest for one minute*
Reps per round
Rx’d- 105/100
Adv- 110/105
Beef- 115
Today you got your meat (Back or Front Squat, and Deadlift) and potatoes (upper, lower, and core accessories). The basics can take you very far if you dedicate time to them consistently. Despite what the internet will tell you, you really don’t need complex programming to get very very strong. You just need to consistently eat your meat (or beyond meat if you’re not a meat eater) and potatoes. For your accessories I would suggest picking something you think is a weak point in your fitness. Try to take a risk today for the finisher. See if you can get real close to the time cap, don’t always play it safe!
A1.) Back squat/Front Squat/Deadlift
A2.) Optional Accessory work
3x 8-12 reps
Accessory options
-Dumbbell bench press
-Dumbbell strict press
-Pull ups
-Ring row
-Single arm dumbbell row
-Forearm plank
-Strict hanging knee raises/ toes to bar
B.) 7 Minute clock
403m run
Max rep squat clean 95/65 (115/75) (135/95) (165/115)
403m run
This weeks Olympic lifting will be building off of the work we did last week. Last week we incorporated clean pulls, this week we will be using the clean high pull to refine your technique. The idea behind the clean high pull is to still work on position in the pull, and contact point, but to also start to focus on bar path as you execute the high pull portion. If you feel like you want to just lift a little heavier, then the advanced option will be your bread and butter today. The finisher comes courtesy or Mr Art Hoover. This is a Rowd Royalty workout from a couple years ago. Rowd Royalty is an online rowing competition (think like the CrossFit open, but for Rowing only), in which you get humbled very quick and are reminded you not the star rower you thought you were…..or maybe that was just my experience. All joking aside I participated this last year with my team the “Sweaty Mandalorians”, which was comprised of JB, Patty, Lindsay, and myself. The competition was challenging but was also very fun to do with such a great team of people! The workouts were always tough, and it brought back a little bit of the old competition nerves from the glory days. Please direct all complaints to Art for this one.
A.) Every :90s for 15 minutes
1 Clean High Pull + 2 Cleans
2 cleans
B.) Return of Rowd Royalty
Row 500m or Assault Bike 25 cal
-“Rest” 2 minutes-
Row 500m or Assault Bike 25 cal
*During rest you must complete 15 Burpees (20) (Beef Burpee over DB)*
If people don’t want to do pull ups they can sub any sit up variation they would like to. If you get a bigger class just be sure to have some people start on the wall balls to avoid congestion. Note that the beef version of Part B is just a chipper, not rounds.
A.) 3 Rounds
Run 403m or Row 500/400 or AB ~22/18 cal
7 Pull ups or 10 Sit ups (Adv 12 Pull up or 7 C2B) (Beef 12 C2B) (Bison 5/3 BMU)
12 Clean and Jerks 95/65 (115/75) (135/95)
B.) 3 Rounds
15 Wall Balls (20)
15 Deadlifts 95/65 (20 @ 11575)
15 Double unders (30)
Beef Version of Part B
60 Wall Balls
60 Deadlifts 135/95
150 Double unders
*Beef Starts with Part B first*
The name says it all folks. Pick a pace, try and hold on, and see where it gets ya. The goal should be to hit each interval hard, by the end of it you should feel completely gassed. We don’t often tap into the super high intensity interval domain so this is your opportunity to do so. The goal should be to go unbroken on the kettlebell swings, and I would say if you want maximal intensity, reach for the assault bike, the assault bike will never let you down.
“Gas pedal”
Every 5 minutes for 20 Minutes
15 Air squats (Adv 20)
20 Russian KB swings 53/35 (70/44) (Beef 25) (Bison 25 Am swings)
Assault Bike Bike or Row calories
Assault Bike calorie amount: 20/15 (25/20) (30/25)
Row Calorie amount: 25/20 (30/25) (35/30)
This ones for all you cardio lovers out there. Im hoping for some sunshine today so you guys can enjoy some Vitamin D out on the trail If you fancy yourself adventurous, try the Beefy triathlon out. Even if you can’t necessarily do the beefy weight or volume, mix and match the different levels so you can get what you feel is an appropriate workout.
Run 1000m (1200m)
2 rounds
20 Box Jump overs (25)
20 SA Dumbbell Hang clean and Jerks 45/25 (25 @ 50/35)
Run 600m (800m)
2 rounds
15 Box Jump over (20)
15 SA Dumbbell hang clean and jerks 45/25 (20 @ 50/35)
Run 200m (403m)
2 rounds
10 Box Jump over (15)
10 DB hang clean and jerks 45/25 (15)
Beefy triathlon
Run 1200m
50 Box Jump overs
50 Alt SA db hang clean and jerks 50/35
Row 1k
40 Box Jump overs
40 Alt SA db hang clean and jerks 50/35
Assault Bike 30 cal
30 Box Jump overs
30 Alt SA db hang clean and jerks 50/35
Today is a great opportunity to try your hand at something new. You can try some overhead squats, or some Kettlebell front rack squats. Rumor has it that overhead squats might make an appearance in next weeks workouts 🤫 . Variety is the spice of life, don’t be afraid to be bad at something! It can make your training more enjoyable.
8 minute alternating emom
1- Midline Movement
2- Max rep front squat/ Overhead squat/ Kettlebell front rack squat
Midline options
-Hollow hold
-Forearm plank
-Sit ups/tuck ups/v-ups
-Side plank
-Strict hanging knee raises/Toes to bar
-2 minute rest-
10 minute alternating emom
1- Burpee or D-Ball/SB over shoulder
2- Max Cals any machine
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