Weekly WOD Review 1/6/20




Sometimes a ton of variety or a chipper workout is nice.  Other times there can be great benefit is simplicity and repetitiveness.  While the 70m meter run is meant to just give your arms a quick break before going overhead with the barbell, the 403m run will allow you to work on your run mechanics, while the shoulder to overhead and pull-up/muscle-up combo will allow you to focus on dialing in just those movements, without a host of other stimuli.  Shoulder to overhead weight should be something you can unbroken, or with one break.  Muscle ups can be bar or ring.
5 Rounds for time:
403m Run (or 400m Row or Ski, or 25/20 Cal Bike)
7 Pullups (ADV. 6/4 C2B Pullups or 3/2 Muscle Ups) [Beef 6/4 Muscle Ups] {Bison 9}
70m Run
10 Shoulder to Overhead 75/55 (ADV. 95/65) [Beef 115/75] {Bison 135/95}
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Over the last 10+ years, our programming has continued to evolve to not only fit our primary gym population, but also in response to what we see as most beneficial in “moving the needle” when it comes to improving our Sweat Shop member’s health and fitness.  Among many other differences, one thing that is and has been different for a while now is that we don’t have nearly as many dedicated strength days for deadlifts as we did when we first opened up shop back in 2009.  While I don’t think I’ll ever be one of those people that thinks “heavy deadlifts are bad!”, I do feel like it’s place, for general populations looking to get or stay in shape, or to look and feel good, is limited.  Therefore, rather than dedicating half or more of the class to a deadlift “strength session”, today we’ll just spend 12 minutes working up to a heavy (that is of course a relative term) deadlift.  After which will be a 15 minute AMRAP, with… more deadlifts… but these should be light.. meaning you are confident you can do all 5 unbroken ,even when fatigued.  Keep in mind, the 12 minute part A. is not intended to be enough time to work up to a true 2 rep max!  If you are approaching your 2 rep max inside 12 minutes that can be quite risky and we should have a talk… or perhaps an intervention.    Instead, this 12 minute part A. should be a middle ground between only doing deadlifts in a conditioning format, and only doing them very seldomly super heavy “for strength”.  As a side benefit, you may notice that they feel really good in part B. after going through a thorough warm-up with lots of progressively heavier sets.

2019/2020 Rikus never takes shortcuts on his warm-up… and look how good he looks!

A.) 12 minutes to work up to a heavy 2 Rep Deadlift
(w/ 2 sec. pause at bottom b/t reps)
B.) 15 min. AMRAP
5 Deadlifts 155/105 (ADV. 185/125) [Beef 225/155] {Bison 275/185}
7 Box Jump Overs (ADV. 9)
10 Wall Balls (ADV. 12)
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Being relatively fresh off fracturing my clavicle (mountain bike mishap), I’ve been doing by burpees “strict”, which just means keeping my body rigid and thus performing a pushup, as opposed to flopping onto the ground, then peeling myself, or worming my way off the ground.  The result is a slightly slower cycle time and more muscularly demanding on my chest, shoulders, and arms.  The good news is, this version won’t put your body in a compromised, or broken position.  If you’re participating in the CrossFit Open, or some other highly competitive event and burpees are called for, you’ll probably want to opt for the old “flop and peel” method… but for getting healthy, fit and looking good, I’d recommend the strict burpee.  The only problem is if you are not yet able to perform a FULL unassisted pushup.  Fortunately, DJ first started introducing us to Down/Ups a few months ago in his programming and I couldn’t agree with him more on the application of this movement for anyone who doesn’t yet have a pushup.  For an long winded explanation, with visuals, check out the video below.  Thanks Brianne for being my camera person, and Jason for being the perfect form demo guy…. as always.

A.) Front Squat
*ascending weights, score the sum of 5 heaviest sets
ADV. 3-3-3-1-1-1
*ascending weights, score the sum of (3) heaviest 3’s & (3) heaviest 1’s
B.)  3 Rounds for time:
1 Rope Climb (ADV. 2 Rope Climbs) [BEEF 3 Regular Rope Climbs or 2 Short)
15 Down/Ups (ADV. 10 Strict Burpees)
200m Run or 200m Row, or 12/10 Calorie Bike
*ADV. & Beef will go in reverse order

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Part B. is inspired by a workout several of us did years ago at the Fittest of the Sierras competition in South Lake Tahoe.  (Ask P.T. about the tempeh burger!  😉  ).  One of the reasons I like these movements in this format is that anyone, at any level, can get a really good, intense workout in.  Ideally the back squats will come from the ground, however, if you are uncomfortable getting the bar from the front rack to your back, you can take the bar from the rack for a back squat, or take the bar from the ground and just do a front squat.
A.) 2 Clean & Jerks or Snatch on the minute for 15 minutes
ADV. 1 on the minute
B.) 6 min. AMREP
Buy In:
500m Men / 400m Women Row or 25/20 Cal Bike (ADV. 750/600m Row or 40/30 Cal Bike)
20 Back Squats 95/65 (ADV. 115/75) [Beef 135/95]
then Max Reps in the remaining time:
Ground to Overhead (same weight as Back Squat)
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60 seconds is a long time to do pushups, break early and break often, even on your first set when you are feeling good… it will allow more pushups in the long run!  During the second 10 minutes KB Snatch is an option for all levels.  I’m a big fan of this movement not just as a change of pace for KB Swings, but also b/c it’s a single arm movement and the added technical demands it brings.  I’m still trying to improve my ability to teach this movement to others, as I learned it over 10 years ago in a group exercise studio when I worked at Renaissance Club Sport.  😂   The first two things everyone should keep in mind when learning these is 1.) use a super light weight  2.) if you’re unable to keep the KB from smashing onto your forearm, don’t give up practicing, but it’s probably a better idea to stick with KB Swings for the workout.
A.) 10 minute alternating EMOM
Even minute: Max Rep Pushups
Odd minute: Row Calories 10/8 or Bike, Ski, AirRunner  Calories 8/6 (ADV. 12/10 Row, 9/7 Bike Ski AirRunner)
B.) 10 minute alternating EMOM
Even minute: Max Rep Russian KB Swing 53/35 or KB Snatch 35/18-20) ADV. Russian Swing 70/44 or KB Snatch 44/26 [Beef American Swing 70/53 or KB Snatch 53/35]
Odd minute: Row Calories 10/8 or Bike, Ski, AirRunner  Calories 8/6 (ADV. 12/10 Row, 9/7 Bike Ski AirRunner)
*no rest between A. and B., this is a 20 min. straight workout
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While this workout is intended to be a partner workout, if you’re dead set on going solo that’s always an option, but partner workouts add a fun dynamic you just can’t get doing a regular solo workout!
Partner Workout
24 minute AMRAP
12 Lunges 75/55 (ADV. 95/65) [Beef 135/95]
7 Pullups (ADV. 6/4 Chest to Bar Pullups) [Beef 5/3 Bar Muscle Ups]
10 Double Unders or 25 Single Unders (ADV. 20 Double Unders) [Beef 30]
**1 person performs AMRAP while partner performs “cardio”. switch each time partner finishes cardio portion.
Cardio Options: 403m Run 500m Row or Ski 25men / 20 women Calorie Bike –
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Same idea as on Tuesday with the deadlifts, here we’ll have an opportunity to work up to a heavy single on either Push Press or Push Jerk.  Check out the links to see the difference.  The Push Press is a bit less technical, and thus, better suited for beginners.  Either will help prepare you for going overhead with the dumbbell in part B.
A.) 12 minutes to work up to a heavy 1 Rep Push Press or Push Jerk
B.) 15 min. AMRAP
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean to Overhead 45/25 (ADV. 12@ 50/35) [Beef 12@ 55+/40+]
8 Hanging Knee Raises (Adv. 6 Toes to Bar) [Beef 9 T2B]
70m Sled Push or 6 D-Ball/Sandbag Over the Shoulder
  -Sled weight( Rx’d 30lbs. men / 15lbs. women) (ADV.& BEEF 45/30)
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