Weekly WOD Preview


The Power Clean weight should be something light that you can move through quickly and efficiently. Pacing the runs early on will help with avoiding the redline later in the WOD. On Bar Facing Burpees be sure to breath and move through them consistently. ADV has the choice of power clean or power snatch. For Beefy folks, we wanted to get some more volume in with rowing since the OPEN is just around the corner. 

5 Rounds
403m Run
12 Wall Balls
9 Power Cleans 95/65
6 Bar Facing Burpee

5 Rounds
403m Run
15 Wall Balls
12 Power Clean or Power Snatch 115/75

5 Rounds
500m Row
15 Wall Balls
12 Power Snatch 135/95


The 90 seconds allows for a bit more recovery time than the traditional EMOM. Rx’d is 2 squat cleans, with two reps every 90 seconds you get a chance to get in some quality lifts. For ADV you get a chance to go a little heavier with the 1 rep every 90 seconds. In either case, start light and work your way up during the 15 minutes.

For part B. we have a 9 minute Cindyesque workout in store for you. Consistency is key, even though this is a shorter workout, you should still aim to have all of your rounds take the same amount of time.

A.) Every 90 Seconds for 15 minutes
2 Squat Cleans
ADV 1 Squat Snatch

B.) 9 minute AMRAP

5 Pullups
7 Pushups (men) / 5 Pushups (women)
15 Jumping Air Squats

ADV & Beefy

5 C2B Beefy: Beefy: 5 Bar MU
10 Push Ups
15 Jumping Air Squats



The limiting factor on the weight selection will be the shoulder to overhead, make sure you are pandering to this movement with choosing your barbell weight. With the deadlifts light, make sure you are still being intentional and using proper form while lifting. When the weight is light it’s easy to move too quickly and less efficiently. Use the run as an active recovery. Stay consistent and be aware of not going out too hot. 

*Compare Sept 4, 2017

As many reps as possible in 18 mins of:


Box Jump Overs  
Run, 200 m

RxD: 95/65 

Adv: 115/75 
Beef: DB 50/35 No Step Ups


Compare your back squat from 10/13 if you did sets across. The average weight should be similar but dispersed between the 5 sets.
Part B is one time through, this is a chance to push it.
A.) Back Squat 5×7 ascending
(compare sets across to 10/13)
500m Row
200m Run w/ (1) medball
403m Run no ball
1000m Row
200m Run w/ (2) medballs
403m Run no ball
*compare ADV 7/20/16
The first AMRAP starts with a 1200m run buy in. In the remaining time, we have a couplet of rope climbs and thrusters. Rx’d you are using barbells with ADV and Beefy are using dumbbells. For the lunges you can hold them however, unless you’re doing beefy, in which case we use the open standard (on shoulders).
A.) 11 minute AMRAP
Buy in 1200m Run (to stop sign and back)
In remaining time
1 Rope Climb (2) (2 regional)
10 Thrusters Rx’d (75/45) ADV DB: 40-45men / 25-30 women (Beefy DB : 50-55 men / 35-40 women)
REST 1 minute
B.) AMRAP 8 minutes
12 DB Snatch (Use same weight as before)
12 Lunge Rx’d 75/45 (ADV. 2 DBs 40-45men / 20-25 women) (Beefy DB :  50-55 men / 35-40 women)
Rx’d & ADV your 1000m row can be at any point just as long as you have it completed before you start your 4th Round. I would encourage you to start with some of the rowing, or jump on the rower when you see an opening so you’re not stuck waiting for one. Power Clean weight should be on the lighter side.
Beefy: Power clean weight increases, I would recommend quick singles on rounds 3 and 4. Make sure to save a little for your 1000m cash out.
Rx’d and ADV:
4 Rounds
10 Power Cleans 95/65 115/75 
12 Box Jump Overs
10 Pull Ups ADV (ADV 15)
*@ some point ROW 1000m BEFORE YOU START YOUR 4th Round 
  (Break up however)
4 Rounds
10 Power Cleans 
12 Box Jump Overs
15 Pull Ups
*Cash out with 1000m ROW
Power Clean weight:
Round 1: 115/75
Round 2: 135/95
Round 3: 155/105
Round 4: 175/125
If you despise running, you’re in luck, we have some alternatives for the 1 mile run (2000m Row, 2000m Ski, 5K Bike). Other modifiers include situps or hanging knee raises for T2B, and single unders for the double unders. Make sure you are achieving full hip extension with the overhead squats.
*compare 11/10/11 & 7/23/17

20 minute clock: 
1 Mile Run, then as many rounds as possible of: 
10 Overhead Squats 95/65 
10 Toes-to-Bars 
25 Double Unders 

Rx’d Front Squats 95/65 ADV. OHS 95/65

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