Weekly WOD Overview – 8/13/18


A.) 2 Clean & Jerks on the minute for 12 minutes
Rx’d folks start light and gradually add as you go.  ADV. folks (those of you that have been doing olympic lifts for over a year) start as close to 75% of your 1RM as possible, or if you aren’t sure of your 1 rep max, start at a challenging load, but one that you can sustain with good technique for the duration of the 12 sets!

B.) 9 min. clock
403m Run
15 Pullups (or 8 C2b) (ADV. 12 C2B or 5/3 Bar or Ring MU) (BEEF 30 C2B or 10/8 Ring or 15/12 Bar MU)
Max Rep Ground to Overhead 95/65 (ADV. 115/75) (BEEF 135/95)
403m Run before time expires (cannot  return to barbell if you still have time left after run)

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For the pushups on part B. we’ve got lots of ways to modify these rather than going from your knees.  Use a box or have a coach help you setup a low barbell on the racks or a band on the racks.  All of these options all you to still work the tight plank position that is crucial for developing a proper pushup.  If you are going from the ground, make sure to get FULL range of motion by having your chest stomach/hips and thighs all touch and come off the ground at the same time!

A.) 1 Mile Run (ADV. 1.5 mile Run)
alternatives for mile run 5k/4k Bike, 2K Row or Ski

B.) 10 min. AMRAP *compare 6/19/18
12 DB Snatch 45/25 (ADV. 15 Alt. DB Snatch 50/35) (BEEF 15 KB Snatch 53/35)
6 Pushups (ADV. 9/7) (BEEF 9/7 Ring Dips)

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While CrossFit is known for the kipping pullup, working the strict pullup is super important for developing the strength needed to safely perform kipping pullups!  And remember, these don’t have to be with any certain grip, chin up grip (palms facing you) or even a mixed grip are fair game, just make sure to keep your whole body tight when doing the strict pullup (rib cage pulled down, glutes and legs squeezed!)

A.) Back Squat
*ascending weight

B.) 10 min. AMRAP
1 Strict Pullup (ADV. 3) (BEEF 7)
4 Burpees
5 Box Jump Overs (BEEF 7)

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8 minutes of Handstand Skill Work


A.) 10 min. Alt. EMOM
Even minutes: Max Rep Power Clean 75/55 (ADV. 95/65) (BEEF 115/75 Clean or 75/55 Power Snatch)
Odd minutes:  Calories – Row (Rx’d 10/8) (ADV. 12/10) —or Bike/Ski/Air Runner (Rx’d 8/6) (ADV. 9/7)

B.) 10 min. Alt. EMOM
Even minutes:  Max Calories
Odd minutes: (1) 70m Sled Push (Rx’d 0lbs. men & women) (ADV. 15lbs. men / 0lbs. women) (BEEF 25/15)

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Friday – Yay Thrusters!

A.) 10 minutes of Rope Climb technique work, practicing various wraps from a seated position a top a 30″ box

or for those that have Rope Climbs but want to work on handstand pushups
10 min. alt. EMOM
Even min. 1-5 HSPU or Wall Walk w/ hold
Odd min. 20-30 sec hollow hold


Rx’d & ADV. -compare 8/23/17
5 Rounds
10 Thrusters 75/55 (ADV. 95/65)
10 Box Jump
1 Rope Climb (ADV. 2)
200m Run

5 Rounds
15 Thrusters 95/65
5/4/3/2/1 Regional Rope Climb
200m Run

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Alandi will be setup at the gym this Saturday offering postural assessments. Learn something about how your body works and what you can do to help with injury prevention and recovery.


3 Rounds of:
7 Plate Burpees 25/15lbs. (ADV. 8 @ 25/15) (BEEF 10 @ 45/25)
10 Hanging Knee Raise or Situps (ADV. 8 Toes to Bar) (BEEF 10)
15 Calorie Row (12 Cal Bike or Ski) (ADV. & BEEF 20 Calories)


3 Rounds of:
7 Plate Burpees 25/15lbs.
10 Hanging Knee Raise or Situps
10 Wall Climbs (ADV. & BEEF 15 Wall Climbs)

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*compare 9/18/16

4 Rounds of:
5 Deadlifts 225/155 (ADV. 255/185) (BEEF 315/205)
20 Double Unders or 40 Singles (ADV. 40 Double Unders) (BEEF 60)

then: (rx’d and adv. are identical for this part)
10 Pullups (BEEF 10 C2B)
15 Wall Balls (BEEF 20)
20 Deadlifts 135/95 (Rx’d, Adv, and BEEF)
15 Wall Ball (BEEF 20)
10 Pullup (BEEF 10 C2B)
403m Run





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