Weekly WOD Insight 12/3/18
– – – – – Reminder – – – – –
Holiday Party this Saturday December 8th 6:30pm at the Sweat Shop
Saturday Dec. 8th, 8:00am & 9:00am Class Only
Sunday Dec. 9th – No Classes
Monday –
Lots of options to choose from in regards to pullups. Choose the version that you can complete each round with ideally no more than one break. For ADV. you can choose between jumping air squats or pistols, but understand that these are quite different from one another. The jumping air squat will keep the intensity of the workout much higher for most people simply because you can cycle through them quicker. However, I wanted to have pistols as an option for those that are looking for some single leg work and are able to perform these with proper technique while fatigued.
4 Rounds
12 Jumping Air Squat
7 Pullups
200m Run
immediately followed by:
4 Rounds
12 Jumping Air Squat
10 Hanging Knee Raise or Situps
200m Run
4 Rounds
10 Pullups or 8/6 C2B or 5/2 Bar MU
30 Jumping Air Squat or 6ea. Pistol
8 Toes to Bar
403m Run
5 Rounds
12/10 C2B or 9/6 Bar MU or 7/4 Ring MU
10 ea. alt. pistols
12 Toes to Bar
403m Run
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When we program workouts, there is an ongoing battle of trying to fit in as much as possible in a 60 minute class, while continuing to keep the quality of work performed as high as possible. If you’re looking to compete in a power lifting meet, or simply maximize absolute potential in the deadlift, this is not the format for you. However, for most of our Sweat Shop members, moving moderately heavy loads on the deadlift (70-75%) is enough to develop the necessary strength gains or maintenance, while minimizing the risk of injury. This format also allows to simulataneously work on an overhead pushing movement, which won’t conflict too much with your deadlift sets.
A.) 14 min. Alt. EMOM
even minute: 5 Deadlifts approx. 70-75% 1RM
odd min. 3 Push Press (ADV. 5/3 HSPU) (BEEF 10/8 HSPU)
B.)For time:
500m/400m Row or Ski or 1K Bike (ADV. 750m Row or 1.5K Bike) (BEEF 1000m Row or 2K Bike)
35 Overhead Walking Plate Lunge 25/15 (ADV. 40 OH Walking Plate Lunge @ 45/25) (BEEF 50 Single Arm OH DB walking Lunge 50/35)
20 Plate Burpees 25/15 (ADV & BEEF 45/25)
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One thing I like about longer AMRAPs is that it’s a good teaching tool for learning how to correctly pace a workout. Pacing is important not just to competitors trying to maximize their performance in the CrossFit Open or other competitions, but to anyone that doesn’t want to feel wrecked midway through a workout! However, while the repetitive nature of an AMRAP can be a good tool, sometimes it’s also nice to break it up a little bit. For this AMRAP you’ll have a short intermission where you’ll have the opportunity to do a movement we can’t often program within workouts. Most of these movments require significant core stabilization, so during that 4 minute intermission, take at least the first minute to recover from the amrap before going into your chosen movement. Also, ere on the lighter side of things when it comes to this movement as it likely won’t feel as easy as it does during the warmup! Lastly, the exercise you choose to do during that intermission should take 2 minutes or less to complete. Ideally you’ll have 45 seconds to 1 minute after completing the exercise to simply rest before resuming the AMRAP.
24 minute clock
0:00-10:00 AMRAP
9/6 Pushups
12 Russian KB Swing 53/35 (ADV. 53/44) (BEEF American Swings 70/53)
12 Box Jump Over
perform ONE of the following:
15 Tire Flips
15 Stone to Shoulder
15 Sandbag Over the shoulder 70lbs. (ADV. 100lbs)
70m Yoke Carry
70m Heavy Farmer Carry Handles (athlete responsible for loading prior AND unloading when workout is complete)
200m Sandbag Carry
403m Heavy Punching bag carry
15 GHD Situps (ADV. 30)
5 Rope Climbs (ADV. 5 Regional Climbs)_
50 ft. HS Walk (ADV. 100 ft. HS Walk)
14:00 – 24:00 resume AMRAP where you left off
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For part B, if you can get at least half way up on a rope climb, do rope climbs! Otherwise go with the strict pullup option (band assisted is fine, but they should still be CHALLENGING!) Those planning on doing ADV. or BEEF for part B, should go with the 1 rep on the minute option for part A. They should also be able to do this (part A.) with the third barbell weight of part B.
A.) 12 min. EMOM
2 Clean & Jerk or Snatch
ADV. 1 C&J or Snatch across @ 80%1RM
1 Rope Climb or 5 Strict Pullups
10 Clean & Jerk 95/65
1 Rope Climb or 5 Strict Pullup
8 Clean & Jerk 95/65
1 Rope Climb or 5 Strict PUllup
6 Clean & Jerk 95/65
10 Clean & Jerk 115/75 (BEEF 135/95)
3 Rope Climbs (BEEF 3 Regional Rope)
8 Clean & Jerk 135/95 (165/115)
2 Rope Climb (Beef 2 Regional Rope)
6 Clean & Jerk 155/105 (205/145)
1 Rope Climb (BEEF 1 Regional Rope)
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I’m a big fan of the high rep squats, especially back squats. I believe it elicits a response unique from just about anything else. I also like higher rep sets because those that haven’t been lifting for years, can still get a good stimulus response.
A.) Back Squat
*ascending sets for 3’s
*set of 20 approx. 65% of heaviest set of 3
*compare 1/3/17 & 6/30/17 & 11/9/18
B.) Partner Workout
3K Row or Ski, or 7K Bike
*switch every 200m on Row/ski (switch every .5K on bike)
*6 burpees each time your partner is rowing
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When it comes to partner workouts, I really like this format (I wish I could say I came up with it!) Do your best to setup everything within close proximity to each other, including the rower or bike. This way you can communicate/encourage each other throughout the duration of the workout, and have smooth, efficient transistions! I’ve kept the rep count consistent across all levels so this workout still works perfectly, even if you partner up with someone of a different level than yourself.
22 minute partner AMRAP
12 Wall Ball
12 DB Snatch 45/25, ADV. 50/35, BEEF 70+/45+
8 Box Jump Over
*one partner does AMRAP while other partner performs
400m Row/Ski or 1K bike
then switch, picking up AMRAP exactly where your partner left off
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