Weekly WOD Review – 8/15/22
For today’s strength workout, you’ll be performing the same complex as las week. The only different will be in how you are receiving the barbell. You’ll be receiving the barbell in the power position, meaning you’ll most likely catch the bar in a quarter squat. Your coach will be able to discuss the benefits in receiving the barbell as high up as possible. Additionally, this is a great opportunity to practice your Power Cleans in a less intense format as compared to our traditional, more intense, conditioning workouts.
For part b, it’s important that you select a weight that allows you to complete a minimum of 8 consecutive Shoulder to Overheads. Depending on your comfort level and weight selection, you’ll then select a rep scheme to accompany the movements. Your coach will be able to discuss the differences between your options as well as offer some strategies that may help you along the way.
Every 1:30 for 9:00 (6 sets)
1 Hang Power Clean (above knee) + 1 Power Clean
Every 1:30 for 6:00 (4 sets)
2 Power Cleans
Shoulder to Overheads 95/65 115/75 135/95 155/105 165/115
Box Jump Overs
70m Run
Pick One Rep Scheme for All Movements:
*10:00 Time Cap
Today’s workout will be a combination of strength and conditioning. For those who are comfortable with the movements listed down below, I encourage you to warm up to ~45-50% of your 1RM Deadlifts. From there, depending on how you’re feeling, you may choose to increase the load of your barbell as the workout progresses. If you are one that is a bit unsure of what weight to warm up to, I encourage you to look back at your previous workouts and judge your comfort level with performing the movements down below all together. It’s ok to start off on the conservative end as you’ll have opportunities to adjust the load of your barbell down the road. This is a good opportunity to work with your coach in determining starting Deadlift weight and/or workout strategies.
Alt Every 1:30 for 18:00 (4 sets)
1) 8 Deadlifts
2) 1:00 Max Wall Balls
3) 1:00 Max Cals
For Time:
800m Run
If needing to select an assisted version for Part A, I encourage you to select a version that allows you to complete a minimum of 4-5 consecutive repetitions. This is a good opportunity to practice any Pull Up techniques you’ve been working on. Alternatively, if you’re fairly comfortable with the movements listed down below, I encourage you to try and increase the intensity of your workout by moving a little quicker. You can expect 3-5 rounds depending on your ability and comfort level with the movements listed down below.
For Part B, select a KB version that will allow you to complete all of the required repetitions. Depending on your comfort level with the movements and weight, you can expect about 4-7 rounds.
15:00 AMRAP
403m Run
15/10 Cals
10/7 Pull Ups (8/5 Chest to Bars) (4/3 Muscle Ups)
– 3:00 rest –
7:00 AMRAP
10 Russian KB Swings 53/35 (70/44) (American KB Swings 70/53)
8 Burpees
You’ll be mixing a bit of strength, accessory, and conditioning in Part A. If you are one that is fairly comfortable performing the movements listed down below, I encourage you to warm up your Front Squat to ~50-55% of your 1RM. From there feel free to adjust the weight of the barbell as the workout progresses. If you’re not too sure of what weight to begin your Front Squats at, I encourage you to start on the conservative end and see how the first round or so goes. You’ll have time as the workout progresses to add on additional load to your barbell based on how everything is feeling. In addition to your Front Squats, you’ll want to select 2 DBs for your Push Press that will allow you to complete a minimum of 8 consecutive repetitions. Similar to the Front Squat, you’ll have an opportunity to increase or decrease the weight of your DB depending on how the workout progresses for you.
For Part B’s Alternating Tabata workout, you’ll want to select a weight for your Thrusters that allows you to complete a minimum of 5 consecutive repetitions. A good goal for these types of workouts is to try and match your repetitions from the previous round. Do your best it’s a quick one!
Alt Every 1:00 for 15:00
1) 5 Front Squats
2) :30 Max DB Push Press
3) 140m Run -or- 200m Run
Alt Tabata
8 Rounds :20/:10
Thrusters 45/35 75/55 95/65 115/75 135/95
Hanging Knee Raises -or- Toes to Bar
7 Rounds
:30 DB Snatches 45/25 (Alt DB Snatches 50/35) (Alt DB Snatches 70/50) (Power Snatch 75/55) (Power Snatch 95/65)
:30 Burpees -or- Lateral Facing DB Burpees -or- Bar Facing Burpees
:30 Rest
– 2:00 rest –
7 Rounds
:30 Max Cals
:30 Double Unders
:30 Rest
For today’s workout, you’ll want to select a Deadlift weight that allows you complete the required repetitions in 2 sets or less. For the DB Box Step Ups, choose a weight that allows you to complete all of the required repetitions. After that, it’s all about pacing and managing the work that is presented to you as the workout progresses. The 1:00 rest after each round will allow you to adjust your pace and recover a bit before beginning again. Your coach will be able to discuss any strategies that may be useful and appropriate for this workout.
20:00 AMREP
8 Deadlifts 135/95 185/135 225/155
4 Wall Balls
8 Single DB Box Step Ups 40/20 45/25 50/35
4 Cals
– 1:00 rest –
– 1:00 rest –
– 1:00 rest –
– 1:00 rest –
– 1:00 rest –
– 1:00 rest –
– 1:00 rest –
– 1:00 rest –
Select a weight for the barbell that will allow you to complete the required repetitions in less than 1:00. You’ll be able to get a little creative for your Odd Object carry as well. Feel free to carry the Sandbags, Deadballs, DBs or KBs, or any combination of the aforementioned movements. Be sure to pick an Odd Object that will allow you to complete the 70m in roughly 1:00 or less.
5 Rounds
200m Run
8 x (1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk) 75/55 95/65 115/75 135/95 155/105
200m Run
6 Hanging Knee Raises -or- Toes to Bar
70m Odd Object Carry