Weekly WOD Review – 8/8/22
For those of you who are familiar with working with percentages, I encourage you to warm up to about 50% of your 1RM Back Squat. As you’re warming up to your starting weight, it’s important to also take into account the other 2 movements that are involved. Depending on your comfort level with performing all 3 movements together, you may want to adjust your starting weight as needed. It’s ok to keep the same weight on the Back Squat for all 5 sets, additionally, feel free to increase/decrease the load depending on how you’re feeling.
Part B will largely be determined by your comfort level with Pull Ups. There are a lot of other factors that may be involved in selecting your version of Pull Ups, such as technique, capacity, and any additional movements in the workout. It’s important to first assess your own specific ability/comfort level with the Pull Up. If you’re one that is simply working on some sort of technique and not quite comfortable with it yet, then maybe opt for one of the first 2 options of Pull Ups. Conversely, if you’re one that is very comfortable with the all the movements involved in the workout, then I encourage you to either move at a quicker pace or choose one of the latter 2 options of Pull Ups. Additionally, if you’re needing assistance with the Pull Up (ie. using a band or some other method of assistance), I recommend working with your coach in selecting an assisted version that will allow you to complete a minimum of 4-5 consecutive reps.
Alt Every 1:00 for 15:00 (5 sets)
1) 5 Back Squats
2) 70m Sled Push
3) 1:00 Max Cals
8:00 AMRAP
20/15 Cals
5/4 Pull Ups (10/7 Pull Ups) (15/10 Pull Ups)
You can expect each round to take about 5-7 minutes. In order to stay in the set time domain and for you to receive the intended stimulus, it’s important to understand the possible weight selections for the workout. Ideally, you will use the same weight for both the Deadlift and Shoulder to Overheads. Shoulder to Overheads will typically be the main limiter in this workout, therefore, it’s important to select a Shoulder to Overhead weight that will take you less than 1:00 to complete. Assess your comfort level with performing the other movements included in the workout before making your final weight selection. The rest will allow you to recover and make any adjustments before beginning again.
3 Rounds
800m Run
10 Deadlifts 95/65 115/75 135/95 155/105 165/115
8 Box Jump Overs
6 Shoulder to Overheads
– 1:00 rest –
The first half of your strength EMOM will have you performing a simple weightlifting complex. You’ll have the opportunity to perform a relatively simpler version of the Clean (Hang Squat Clean) in addition to the entire Clean (Squat Clean). In this case, performing these movements right after the other is a good way to learn how becoming efficient at one directly effects your proficiency with the other. If you are interested, feel free to talk to your coach about the Snatch. Although the Snatch may seem daunting, this is a good opportunity to practice or become introduced to the movement.
Every 1:30 for 9:00 (6 sets)
1 Hang Squat Clean (above knee) + 1 Squat Clean
Every 1:30 for 6:00 (4 sets)
2 Squat Cleans
7:00 AMREP
2 Wall Balls
70m Run = 1 Rep
4 Wall Balls
70m Run
6 Wall Balls
70m Run
8 Wall Balls
70m Run
10 Wall Balls
70m Run
*Score = Total Reps
Be sure to view this workout as 5:00 of effort and 1:00 of rest. Often times, people tend to miss making that distinction and end up redlining a bit quicker than they may have expected. Although you’ll only be performing 1:00 of a designated movement, it’s important to understand how to pace and move from station to station while being able to give consistent effort through each round. Your coach will be able to provide a number of different strategies depending on your comfort/ability level with each movement.
4 Rounds
1:00 Max DB Snatches 45/25 (Alt DB Snatches 50/35) (Alt DB Snatches 70/50)
1:00 Max DB Goblet Lunge -or- Single Arm DB Overhead Lunge
1:00 Max Double Unders
1:00 Max Cals
1:00 Rest
With the relatively short time domain for this AMRAP, it’s important to select a weight for the Power Clean that will allow you to complete the required reps in less than :30. Take into account your comfort level with performing the additional movements in the workout before selecting your final weight. If not so comfortable, then I encourage you to select one of the lighter weights. Vice versa, if the other movements are something you enjoy and are proficient at, then feel free to try and move at a quicker pace or try a little bit heavier of a barbell. Your coach will be able to further assist you in setting you up for success in this workout. As a reminder, once you complete your 403m run, you’ll have whatever is remaining in the 3:00 to recover before picking up where you left off on the AMRAP.
Alt Every 3:00 for 24:00 (4 sets)
1) 3:00 AMRAP
3 Power Cleans 95/65 115/75 135/95 165/115 185/135
5 Burpees (Bar Facing Burpees)
7 Air Squats
2) 200m Run (403m)
*Score = Total Rounds
Today’s workout contains movements that are relatively simple. With that being said, do your best to maintain a consistent level of effort and technique while moving through the workout. Traditionally, moving as efficient as you can instead of simply trying to move faster will yield a better result in the end.
If needing some assistance with the Strict Pull Ups in Part B, I encourage you to work with your coach in finding an assisted version that will allow you to complete a minimum of 4-5 consecutive reps. As a friendly reminder, depending on the size/availability of equipment in your class, you will select an additional DB or KB to pair with your KB from Part A.
Alt Every 1:30 for 12:00 (4 sets)
1) :30 Max Hanging Knee Raises -or- Toes to Bar + :30 Plank
2) :30 Max Cals + :30 Russian KB Swings 53/35 (Russian KB Swings 70/44) (American KB Swings 70/53)
10:00 AMRAP
7/5 Strict Pull Ups
70m Farmer Carry ~53/35 ~70/44 ~70/53
200m Run
It’s important to select the appropriate weight for the barbell after choosing which method of squat you’d like to perform. Due to the range of complexity between the Front Squat and Overhead Squat, it will be ideal to select a weight that allows you to complete the required reps in less than 1:00. While you’re selecting your barbell weight, take into account your ability/level of comfort with performing the other movements involved in today’s workout. If relatively comfortable, then feel free to select a more complex squat or heavier barbell (maybe not both at this point). Alternatively, if there is a movement that isn’t exactly your strong suit, then I encourage you choose the simpler version of the squat and maybe keep the barbell light as well. In this case, it’s important to understand how the movements listed down below affects you when performed all together in a workout. If needing some assistance with the Push Ups, then I encourage you to work with your coach in finding an assisted version that will allow you to complete a minimum of 4-5 consecutive reps.
15:00 AMRAP
403m Run
15 Front Squats -or- Overhead Squats 75/55 95/65 115/75 135/95 155/105
7/5 Push Ups -or- Handstand Push Ups
– rest 3:00 –
For Time:
50 Cals