Weekly WOD Review 5/31/21
Optional 4-Week Accessory:
These simple workouts will be on the whiteboard for the next four weeks. Essentially, the workouts are quick ways for you to work on some accessory movements. Accessory movements generally address specific areas in the body in order to improve your overall quality of movement. Sometimes it can help relieve some aches and pains. If there is some extra time after class or if you have some time to spare, feel free to pick one of the four! All workouts can be completed in roughly 8:00.
Core –
3 Rounds
30 Alt V-Ups
:30 Plank
30 Knee Tucks
:30 Plank
30 L Crunches
– 1:00 rest –
Lower Body/Core –
3 Rounds
:30 Bear Hug Step Ups
:30 Bear Hug Hold
:30 Bear Hug Squats
– 1:00 rest –
Arms Race –
50 Strict Pull Ups
Metabolic –
Every 1:00 for 10:00
:40 Max Cals any Machine
We are all aware that “Murph” is a very challenging workout across all levels of fitness. Don’t let that stop you from coming to the gym and getting your exercise on. Down below you’ll find a myriad of options that will help quench your thirst for exercise and still be part of the fun. Grab a partner if you’d like as well, there are options for that too! Enjoy and have fun!
Individual –
RxD/Adv –
4 Rounds
600m Run (800m)
10/8 Pull Ups (20)
15/10 Push Ups (30)
20 Air Squats (40)
Beef –
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run
Partner –
Buy In: 600m Run (800m)
10 Rounds
10/8 Pull Ups (20)
15/10 Push Ups (30)
20 Air Squats (40)
Cash Out: 600m Run (800m)
*Both partners must finish their respective runs before starting their 10 rounds of work
**Alternate completing rounds with your partner until 10 TOTAL rounds of work is completed between the 2 of you (5 rounds/person)
***One partner will complete his/her round while the other rests and patiently awaits their turn
Today and for the next four weeks you’ll have a choice between a Strength or Conditioning Focus. Either is great for whatever goals you have for yourself! For both options, I recommend keeping track of your heaviest total load and keep that as a reference to progress from in the future.
Strength Focus –
Back Squat
*3:00 rest in between your sets
*Score = Total Load of Last 4 Sets
(10 x 95lbs) + (10 x 115lbs) + (10 x 115lbs) + (10 x 120lbs) = 4450lbs lifted
Conditioning Focus –
Alt Every 1:00 for 10:00
1) :30 Max Cals any Machine
2) 5 Back Squats
*Score 1 = Total Cals
*Score 2 = Total Load Lifted
(5 x 95lbs) + (5 x 115lbs) + (5 x 115lbs) + (5 x 120lbs) + (5 x 125lbs) = 2859lbs lifted
Cals any Machine
70m Sled Push -or- Odd Object Carry
Today’s goal will be how well you manage your 20:00 of work. Approach the 20:00 in a way that you’ll be satisfied with at the end. It’s important to understand where and when you need to slow down a bit or to even move a little faster!
20:00 AMREP
2 DB Snatches 45/25 (Alt DB Snatches 50/35) (Power Snatch 75/55)
2 Down Ups (Burpees) (Bar Facing Burpees)
140m Run (200m)
140m Run (200m)
140m Run (200m)
140m Run (200m)
140m Run (200m)
140m Run (200m)
140m Run (200m)
140m Run (200m)
140m Run (200m)
140m Run (200m)
*Score = Total Reps
**Run = 1 Rep
Optional 4-Week Accessory
You’ll have to manage three sets of 8:00 workouts. Be careful approaching each workout as an 8:00 workout ONLY, keep in mind, you’ll have to save some gas in the tank for the others. You’ll notice the Calories decrease each workout, so with that being said, you’ll find yourself on the barbell more often towards the end of today’s workout. Be careful selected your weights as well. As a general reference, go ahead and pick a weight you feel you can do each movement unbroken.
8:00 AMRAP
30 Cals any Machine
10 Deadlifts 95/65 115/75 (DB 50/35)
– rest 2:00 –
8:00 AMRAP
20 Cals any Machine
10 Shoulder to Overheads 95/65 115/75 (DB 50/35)
– rest 2:00 –
8:00 AMRAP
10 Cals any Machine
10 Thrusters 95/65 115/75 (DB 50/35)
Optional 4-Week Accessory
Similar to Tuesday’s strength, today you’ll have a choice between a Strength or Conditioning Focus. Specifically, for the Conditioning Focus, this is a great opportunity to practice your weightlifting in a less-intense scenario. It is a very smart goal to try and maintain your mechanics under all sorts of relative fatigue.
Strength Focus –
Every 1:30 for 15:00
2 Squat Cleans
Conditioning Focus –
Every 1:30 for 15:00
70m Run (140m) (200m)
2 Squat Cleans
5 Rounds
10 Goblet Lunges 53/35 70/44 (Barbell Lunge 95/65)
10 Sit Ups -or- Hanging Knee Raises (6 Toes to Bar) (10 Toes to Bar)
There is no prescribed rest today, so your mission will be to manage a good 25:00 effort. The movements today are relatively simple, so that will give you plenty of brain power to focus on managing your effort. I recommend using this time to understand how to keep a consistent pace, make any adjustments mid-workout, and learning to stay focused under fatigue.
25:00 AMRAP
10 Wall Balls
8 Russian KB Swings 53/35 (70/44) (American 70/53)
6 Down Ups (Burpees)
0:00 – Complete a 403m Run
5:00 – Complete 15 Cals any Machine (20) (25)
10:00 – Complete a 403m Run
15:00 – Complete 15 Cals any Machine (20) (25)
20:00 – Complete a 403m Run
*Pick up/continue from wherever you left off
Optional 4-Week Accessory
Optional 4-week accessory if there is extra time or if you have some time to spare at the end of class.
3 Rounds
20 Cals any Machine (25) (30)
10 Pull Ups (Chest to Bars) (Muscle Ups)
20 Cals any Machine (25) (30)
25 Double Unders (50) (100)
20 Air Squats (Front Squats 95/65) (Overhead Squats 95/65)
Optional 4-Week Accessory
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