EMOM for Conditioning, Not Just for Strength!

EMOM = Every Minute On The Minute By now most of you are comfortable with this format as we utilize it for strength on a weekly basis. For example, you may have seen something like this... Every 1:00 for 12:00 2 Clean & Jerks We use…

Time to roll out….Your Feet?!

Rolling out is something many of us have done at some point. It can help with increasing bloodflow to areas and breaking up inflammation we have accrued from working out. Many people like to roll out their quads, calves, shins, glutes, lats,…

Whole 30 – Fast & Easy

I recently made a meal plan for a few clients based on the new Whole 30 Fast & Easy cookbook. As most of you know, I love food, and I love trying new recipes.  Sometimes certain recipes can be extremely time consuming and laborious to prepare.…

Weekly WOD Insight 1/15/18

To prevent or not prevent the redline this week!? MONDAY Whoops. If you are all not satisfied with your performance, you can blame me getting old ;) TUESDAY This workout will have a little different effect for each level. For Rx'd, I'd like…

Building Stronger Pull-Ups

https://vimeo.com/250993577 The importance of fundamentals can't be stressed enough at the Sweat Shop. They are important for developing the necessary strength to perform basic movements and to reduce the likelihood of injury. They also help…

New Year New You

New Year, New You! As 2017 has come and gone, we are just a little over a week into 2018! The beginning of the year provides us with a great opportunity to set some goals for ourselves and look back at the end of the year to see how far…

The Big Three

This past Sunday I had the pleasure of Coaching the Competitors class here at the Sweat Shop. I had written a good conditioning style piece it was: Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes complete -7 toes to bar -5 Bar facing Burpees -3 Snatches or…

Drawing Inspiration

What motivates or inspires you? As I ponder that question, I find there is a common theme in what consistently motivates and inspires me. As we begin this new year, often times we are filled with a renewed inspiration. Many turn to health and…

Weekly WOD Insight 1/8/18

  Monday  - Rx'd starts with A. then goes to B., ADV. & BEEF will start with Row,Ski or Bike For part A., I like this combo because as your arms get tired from the pushups or ring dips it really forces you to use your legs to get…