New Year New You

CHARGE into 2018!
New Year, New You!
As 2017 has come and gone, we are just a little over a week into 2018! The beginning of the year provides us with a great opportunity to set some goals for ourselves and look back at the end of the year to see how far we’ve come. Check out JB’s post from December 30th as it’s a great example of looking back at your “wins” and in turn fueling the fire to dive right into 2018! (cue Art’s “Let’s Go!!”)
Setting goals doesn’t have to be geared towards just the gym, they can be set for all sorts of walks of life. Some examples could be setting goals in the area(s) of finances, travel, career, education, attitude, or public service. But before you go on a goal setting spree, I wanted to take some time to point out a few things in order to set “appropriate” goals.
At one point or another, you guys have probably heard one of your coaches talk about setting S.M.A.R.T. goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound). Although this may sound easy, it’s also common for people to set goals and have the complete OPPOSITE intended result. Remember, goal setting is important in the sense that it helps us decide what we want to achieve in life, separates the relevant from irrelevant, motivates us, and builds our self-confidence based on accomplishing those goals! So a more efficient way to go about setting those goals is starting by asking yourself what you want to have achieved by the end of the year. From there set up short-term, measurable goals, that are relevant to hitting that year-end goal. It sounds a little easier than it really is though, and it takes time to set some truly meaningful goals. Also, it’s ok if you have to adjust some of those short-term goals so long as you keep in mind the big picture! If you would like some assistance in goal setting feel free to ask one of your coaches, we’d be more than happy to help!
Marko’s 2018 goals (not all, just some to share as an example):
- Read 3 books (this may not seem like much for some, but my goal last year was to read 2 and I almost didn’t make that!)
- finish 1 book every 4 months
- Travel to New Zealand and Australia in December
- flight research and book as soon as dates become available
- no other choice after that then to figure everything else out and go!
- Meditate 3 times a week for 10 – 20 minutes
- it this is too easy to hit, I’ll bump it up!
- Go on 10 hikes
- already 1 down!
- Top 150 in the 2018 CrossFit Open, Nor Cal Division
- Snatch 225# by the end of summer
- hit 205# consistently in metcons by spring time
- hit 205# in a 10:00 EMOM across by the start of summer
- then hit 205# for a double in an every 1:30 for 15:00 EMOM across
- Hit my 225# PR before summer ends
- Clean and Jerk 275# by the end of 2018
- clean and jerk twice a week, at least squat clean once a week
- redemption on the CrossFit Open 16.2
Here’s some examples as to setting long term goals, and having short-term goals that are relevant to them! One more thing, more likely than not, there WILL be setbacks on your journey through 2018 but EVERYTHING WILL BE JUST FINE, IT’LL BE GREAT! That’s life for ya. As long as you keep the big picture in mind, I’m sure you guys will have a successful year! Enjoy, and I look forward to hearing your accomplishments by year’s end!
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