Weekly WOD Review 12/24/18
12:00 AMRAP
11 Cals Any Machine
9 Wall Balls
6 Burpees
*alt movements with a partner
– rest 2:00 –
For Time:
Partner 1 – 403m MB Carry
Partner 2 – 200m MB Carry
Partner 1 – 200m Run
Partner 2 – 403m Run
Happy Holidays 🙂
Over the past couple of weeks we’ve experimented with an Alternate strength option as the focus of the day. Since it’s been going well and the feedback has been very positive, today you’ll get a chance to focus on one of our main strength movements as well as an opportunity to work on some accessory movements. You’ll have plenty of time to get the work in, so take your time and emphasis movement quality over big weights!
For the finisher, try and push the pace a little bit on the row just to see what’s left in the take for the thrusters. There aren’t very many reps when you get off of the throw and the weight is relatively light for all levels. Once your heart rate starts to spike during the thrusters, I always find it helpful to just think about my technique. Give it a try!
25:00 Clock for A1, A2, A3
Front Squat
*compare 11/27/18
Z Press
3 x 10
Strict Pull Ups (Weighted)
3 x 5-10
30/25 Cal Row
30 Thrusters 45/35
30 Cal Row
30 Thrusters 75/55
40 Cal Row
40 Thrusters 95/64
50 Cal Row
50 DB Thrusters 50/35
Today we have a chipper! Your score for this workout will be time of completion or total reps completed at the 20:00 mark. Pace early, we’ve all done 20:00 workouts, and you should have enough in the tank to really pick it up once you get closer to the end. Talk with your coach to decide which version would be best for you. I’m looking for people to finish right under the 20:00 mark or at last be in the round of single digits at the 20:00 mark. Enjoy!
– 20:00 Clock or For Time –
21 DB Snatches 45/25 (50/35) (Alt 50/35)
21 Burpees (Lateral Facing DB Burpees)
140m Run (200m)
140m (200m)
1 Rope Climb (2) (2 Short Rope)
140m (200m)
140m (200m)
1 Rope Climb (2) (2 Short Rope)
140m (200m)
140m (200m)
1 Rope Climb (2) (2 Short Rope)
140m (200m)
*Score will be time of completion -or- total reps completed in 20:00
*Run = 1 Rep
You guys will get a chance to build off of this same strength workout from earlier in the month. Compare you’re work from 12/14/18. Try and shoot for 5lbs heavier than last time, or choose the same weights as before and compare how they felt this time around! For those that have been/feel comfortable with cleans, go ahead and play around with the ADV version. You’ll get some good practice at a moderate-heavy load. Usually around 80% is a good working way to build strength, but still work on some mechanic business.
Every 1:00 for 12:00
2 Squat Cleans
Adv: 1 Squat Clean ~80-85% -or- add 5lbs from last time
*compare 12/14/18
7:00 AMRAP
10 KB Swings 53/35 (12 reps @ 70/44) (15 reps @ 70/53)
15 Double Unders -or- Single Unders (25) (35)
For the barbell weight, go ahead and pick something that you can hold on to for all the reps each time around (adv and beefy folks) something that you can do each set in no more than 2 sets. Today should be nice and light where you can keep the runs at about 80%, quickly do your work inside the gym, and then get back out there! I’m look for this workout to take about 15:00 to 18:00 so mix and matching this one to get into that time domain is totally fine.
8:00 Alt EMOM
1) :30 Static Ring Row (Static Barbell Bent Over Row) (Static Chin Over Bar)
2) :30 Deadbug Marches (Hollow Hold or Deadbug) (Plank)
603m Run (800m)
15 Shoulder to Overheads 75/55 (21 Reps @ 95/65) (21 Reps @ 115/75)
603m Run (800m)
15 Front Squats 75/55 (21 reps at 95/65) (21 Reps @ 115/75)
403m Run
12 Shoulder to Overheads 75/55 (15 Reps @ 95/65) (15 Reps @ 115/75)
403m Run
12 Front Squats 75/55 (15 Reps at 95/65) (15 Reps @ 115/75)
200m Run
9 Shoulder to Overheads 75/55 (95/65) (115/75)
200m Run
9 Front Squats 75/55 (95/65) (115/75)
8:00 AMRAP
7 Power Cleans 95/65 115/75 135/95
10 Burpees (Bar Facing)
– rest 2:00 –
8:00 AMRAP
7 Cals Any Machine
10 Box Jump Overs (Beef: No Step Ups)
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