Workouts for September 19th-25th


A) EMOM x 10 minutes
       Rx: 2 Thrusters
       Advanced + spend 10 minutes working up.      to a 2rm for the day

-rest 5 minutes-

B) Fran sandwitch (RX & Adv)
750m row (Adv:1000m row)
Thrusters (rx:75/55)(adv:95/65)
800m run
**20 minute cap**

Framanda sandwitch (Beef & Bison)
800m run
Thrusters (95/65)
Bar muscleups 12-9-6 (bison:9-6-3 ring muscle ups)
1000m row
**20 min cap**

Every time thrusters are programmed I hear the comment, why don’t we do thrusters more often?? Somewhat of a love hate thing I suppose so here ya go, a whole day of them. Part a for newer members can be both a warmup and introduction to the thruster. For everyone else 10 min to establish a heavy double, can be from the floor or the rack so peeps can push regardless of having the clean dialed in. For part b, a spin on Fran with a run and row sandwitched on either end 😉



30 rounds
5 Wallballs
3 Pushups
1 Power clean (rx:115/75)(adv:135/95)

30 Rounds For Time
5 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
3 Handstand Push-Ups
1 Power Clean (Beef:185/125)(Bison:225/155 lb)
*35 min cap*

***feel free to attack this solo or partner up and divide the work however you choose!****

I was inspired by the workout Cristina programmed last week with all the Wallballs and how everyone was raving about it throughout the week. This workout packs some volume but with small and manageable sets. I would suggest attacking this workout like an emom so pick weights and movements that are appropriate for obtaining that goal. I also added the option to do this with a partner if if the volume looks a tad intimidating. 



A) 8 min Amrap

10/8 Bike Cals(Adv:12/10)(Beef:15/12)
6 Dball Over the Shoulder Cleans (Adv/Beef: 8 Dball or Sandbag Over the Shoulder Cleans

-2 min rest-

B) 8 min Amrap

10/8 Row (Adv:12/10)(Beef:15/12)
70m Sled push (rx:45/25((blue/green)))(Adv:90/65((2blue/blue+2×10’s)))(beef:135/90((3blue/2blue)))

-2 minute rest-

C) 8 min Amrap

200m run
12 Goblet Lunge(Rx: you choose your weight)(Adv: Double DB front racked lunge 35-45+/20-30+)(Beef:Double front Racked Kettlebell Lunge 53/35)

Today is all about strongman mixed with conditioning. Looking for 3-4+ rounds per Amrap. I wanted this day to be more of an active recovery for those that attacked both monday and Tuesdays workouts so focus on good movement quality and mindfulness on the strongman exercises. 



A) ‘Linda Prep’

12 Min Alternating Emom

  1. 3 Deadlift (80-85% of 1rm or 1.5x bodyweight for Linda contestants)
  2. 5 Bench press (Db or Barbell, Linda contestants go bodyweight)

B) CrossFit open workout 13.2

AMRAP in 10 minutes
5 Shoulder-to-Overheads (115/75 lb)
10 Deadlifts (115/75 lb)
15 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

Partner Linda is fast approaching so what better way to prep than in an emom format. For todays finisher we are moving light weight fast so if the prescribed weights looks spicy scale it down with the goal of going unbroken on that barbell, and being steady on the box jumps. There’s a lot of transition time in this workout so the challenge is to keep moving and limit those breaks. 



A) E3Mx 15 min
5 Front squats or 5 Overhead squats

B) For time:
Cals on Amy machine
Burpees (adv:bar/db/line facing burpees)

** rx: must complete 3 Rope climbs at any time during the workout (Adv:5)(beef:3 short rope or legless rope climbs)

Nabil programmed overhead squats a few weeks ago and i was pleasantly surprised at how many members jumped on board with the lift. The overhead squat is a great way to improve upon your snatch so if that’s something you aspire to improve, let’s work on it! Todays finisher is a classic grinder, hit those burpees and calories hard but don’t forget to get in those rope climbs 😅



3 girls  
For time:

400m run
21 American Kbs (53/35)
12 pull-ups

-immediately into-

Double unders (modify singles 100-80-60-40-20)

-immediately into-


30 clean and jerks (rx:95/65)(adv:120/80)(beef:135/95)

This is a repeat from April 5th, 2022. A lot of peeps really enjoyed this workout but it was programmed during spring break and quite a few members didn’t get to play, hence I’m putting it on a Saturday!

Helen (8-14 minutes), Annie (6-10 minutes) Pro tip for sit-ups~ protect the skin at your tailbone or you’ll rub yourself a sweet raspberry that will no doubt burn like hell in the shower, Grace (5-8 minutes) pick a weight that allows you to complete quick singles. 30 minute time cap today so your score will be the time in which you finish or the amount of reps completed at the 30 minute mark.



5 rounds each for time
5 Power snatch (rx:55/35)(Adv:95/65)(beef:135/95)
10 Air Squats (Adv: alternating pistol squats)
15 Hanging Knee Raises(Adv:10 T2B)(Beef:15 Toes to bar)
400m run

-1 minute rest between sets-

Sunday funday intervals! Quick singles or unbroken sets on the snatches, then attack those air squats or pistol squats so you can get onto that pullup bar. Pick a rep scheme on the hanging knee tucks or toes to bar you can get done in 2-3 quick sets and then push that run, you get a nice minute of rest as a reward.