WODs 11/21/22- 11/27/22

Monday 11/21 

Part A:

Every 3 min x 5

5 Back Squat

5+5 Squat Jumps


Part B:

Alt. 10 min EMOM

  1. 10 Shoulder to Overhead + Max Cal in time remaining
  2. 10 Front Squat + Max Cal in time remaining


For part A, I programmed back squats pairs with squat jumps. Pairing strength with power can offer both strength and power benefits. The squat jumps should be max effort/height. If you want to read more here are a couple articles. T Nation provides good information in a digestible manner (FYI it is a little “bro”y). 

Contrast Training



Tuesday 11/22


Part A:

6 min EMOM

1 Low pull clean/snatch + 1 High pull clean/snatch

Every 90 s for 12 min 

2 Clean or Snatch 


Part B:

Death by Reps

1 Cal + 1 Clean or Snatch (minute 1, min 2 = 2+2…ect) 


I programmed the low and high pull to reinforce the pattern of hip extension before pulling by bending the elbows. Part B is a workout JB programmed a while back that I really liked. Each minute, the reps will increase by 1 until failure.


Wednesday 11/23


Part A:

Alt Every 90 s x 4 Rds

  1. Handstand or handstand progression
  2. Strict pull-ups or kipping/butterfly pull-up or progression


Part B: 

4 Rounds

8 DB Deadlift (Rx 40/25)(Adv 50/35)(Beef 65/45)(Bison 70/55)

30 sec Static Handstand or Progression

8 Pull-ups (Adv C2B) (Beef 4/2 BMU) (Bison 6 BMU or 3 RMU)

400 m Run


 I programmed a static handstand handstand/progression because many people struggle to handstand walk because they do not have kinesthetic awareness upside down. Some handstand and pull-up progressions are listed below. I offered strict pull-ups in part A for those who want to work on strength and kipping for those who want to work on skill. If you are still working up to doing a few strict pull-ups unbroken, I would encourage you to choose a banded or strict pull-up today. The static handstand can be broken. At the 30 second mark move on. 


Handstand Progression Suggestions: 

Feet or knees on box handstand position

Feet elevated plank 

Wall handstand (use one foot or try to briefly balance away from the wall)

Weighted overhead hold (trying to keep a straight body position)


Kipping Pull-up Progression

Kipping- Static chin to bar hold to push back and drop (just practicing second half)

Butterfly- Box pull-up (working on position- ie one leg off box) Butterfly Pull-Up Progressions

Mini pull-ups (ie doing a half pull-up with kip timing)


Thursday 11/24 (thanksgiving)

Turkey Trot Thursday


600 m Run or Equivalent (Adv 800)

30 Air Squats (Adv 40) (Beef 50)

600 m Run or Equivalent (Adv 800)


2 min Rest


6 Rounds (Adv 7) (Beef 8)

10 Dumbbell Snatch (Rx 40/25)(Adv 50/35)(Beef 60/45)

10 Dumbbell Lunge (Adv walking) (Beef OH)

12/10 Cal (Beef 16/14) 


Friday 11/25 (day after thanksgiving)


Post Yam Yak


15 Rounds

2 Power Clean 

2 Thrusters


4/6 cal

30 sec rest


The thruster will definitely be the limiter on the barbell weight. Intensity should remain high. It will be about a minute of work for 30 seconds of rest. This should be a fun one!


Saturday 11/26


25 min Alt EMOM

  1. Max Double Under
  2. 6 Push-Up (adv 10) (Beef HSPU)
  3. Max Cal
  4. 4 Squat Clean (around 75%) (adv 3 @ 80 %) (Beef 2 @ 85%)
  5. HKR or T2B (max or practice)


The squat clean weight should be around 75%. It should feel challenging, but not heavy enough to cause missed reps.


Sunday 11/27


Part A:

Every 4 min x 4

10e SA OH Press

70 m Heavy sled push


Part B:

10 min AMRAP

10 Box Jump Over

20/18 Cal 

10 Ring Rows or 1 Rope Climb (Adv 2) (Beef short rope)


In part A, the single arm overhead press can be done standing, seated, or half kneeling. I am a fan of the half kneeling position for overhead press because it forces you to engage your core. The sled push should be heavy. You will have plenty of time to rest. Treat part A as strength.