WOD Review 8/6/18

Like we’ve been doing for the past few weeks, for this week’s skill session, there will be different options for you depending on where you stand with overall skill. For today, the skill session will be geared towards getting your handstand push up handstand walk. Check out the different tiers down below, they range from building the foundation for the handstand push/walk to “conditioning” the skill for those who are proficient with the movement.
For your main workout, the movements are relatively simple and not overly complex so you may be able to push the pace a bit more. I’m looking for the runs to take no longer than 2:30 and the work done inside the gym about 2:30 as well. If you have any questions or concerns about staying in those time domains, please don’t hesitate to ask your coach on how to fit into that range!
Foundational Work:
8:00 Alt EMOM
1) Wall Walk w/ Hold or Taps
2) :30 Hollow Hold
Handstand Walk/Push Up Progression:
8:00 Practice
– Kick Up To Wall and Hold
– Foot Taps on Wall
– Strict/Kipping HSPU Work
Handstand Walk/Push Up Conditioning:
8:00 AMRAP
7 Cal
30′ HS Walk or 7 Handstand Push Ups
4 Rounds
15 DB Snatches 45/25
12 Burpees
9 Sit Ups -or- Hanging Knee Raises
403m Run
4 Rounds
21 DB Snatches 50/35
15 Burpees
9 Toes to Bar
403m Run
4 Rounds
27 Alt DB Snatches 50/35
21 Lateral Facing DB Burpees
15 Toes to Bar
403m Run
You guys will have about 22:00 to 25:00 to complete your Front Squats and Pulling Accessory work. Today you guys will be building to a challenging double for the day, since we are dealing with low reps and most likely a little bit heavier loads than usual, please allow yourself plenty of time to rest in between sets. To help you “rest” from your squats, pick one accessory movement to do in the meantime.
For your finisher, pick a partner to complete 8 rounds total with. You guys will be doing the same amount of work (4 rounds each). Your partner will be there to hold you accountable/keep you moving because if you guys will be following the “Follow the Leader” format. Movements are simple for your finisher, so feel free to push yourself a bit more than usual!
Front Squat
Pick 1:
Strict Pull Ups/Chest to Bars
3 x 5-10
Barbell Bent Over Rows
3 x 8-12
KB Bent Over Rows
3 x 8-12
8 Rounds
200m Row
200m Run
*with a partner
*follow the leader
*must wait for partner to finish movement ahead of you to begin/move on to next movement
*solo mission = 4 rounds only
Partner 1 – Row
Partner 2 – Stand Around
Partner 1 – Run (end of round 1)
Partner 2 – Row
Partner 1 – Row
Partner 2 – Run (end of round 2)
Partner 1 – Run (end of round 3)
Partner 2 – Row
Partner 1 – Row
Partner 2 – Run (end of round 4)
Partner 1 – Run (end of round 5)
Partner 2 – Row
Partner 1 – Row
Partner 2 – Run (end of round 6)
Partner 1 – Run (end of round 7)
Partner 2 – Row
Partner 1 – Stand Around
Partner 2 – Run (end of round 8)
This is a “typical” CrossFit workout with a good combination of high skill movements and simple movements in a chipper style format. Probably a good idea to pace it from the start by breaking up the wall balls and kb swings so that you can conserve your energy for those power cleans.
RxD & Adv:
18:00 AMRAP
25 Wall Balls (30)
20 KB Swings 53/35 (25 at 70/44)
15 Box Jumps (20)
10 Power Cleans 95/65 (15 at 115/75)
5 Pull Ups (10 Chest to Bars)
Beef & Bison:
18:00 AMRAP
35 Wall Balls
30 KB Swings 70/53
25 No Step Up Box Jumps
20 Power Cleans 135/95 185/135
15 Chest to Bars -or- 7/5 Muscle Ups (15 Muscle Ups)
For bigger classes, your coach will be splitting you guys up into groups of 5 and designating where each group will start. Regardless of where you are starting, you’ll be following the same order of movements. At first glance, there is no “programmed” rest but stations 4 and 5 will be your “active” recovery. Pick a rope climb rep scheme/sled push weight that you can finish in :40 or less so that you can rest for the remainder of the minute. Today’s score will be your combined reps for stations 1, 2 and 3.
25:00 Alt EMOM
1) Max Cals
2) Max Push Ups (HSPU) (4″/2″ Def HSPU)
3) Max Air Squats (DB Squats) (DB Squats 50/35)
4) 1 Rope Climb (2) (1 Regional + 1 Regular)
5) 70m Sled Push 15/Empty (25/15) (45/25)
*score will be cals + push ups + air squats
It seems as if most of you guys enjoyed the finisher format a while ago that had wall balls and db snatches. This time around, same rep scheme, but different movements that might be a bit more challenging than before. The barbell should be light so that you can move at a quick pace throughout.
Every 1:00 for 15:00
1 Squat Clean
1 Squat Clean
*Across at 80-85%
Front Squats 75/55 (95/65) (115/75) (Hang Squat Clean 135/95)
Burpees (Bar Facing Burpees)
*10:00 Time Cap
Interval training day, my favorite type of workouts! There is a lot of benefit to training at 80% of your max HR and above, the only problem though…it’s not sustainable for long periods of time. With intervals, it allows you to get your heart rate to 80%+ multiple times because of the prescribed rest. 2:00 is a TON of rest, so most of you guys will be ready to go before you know it.
Now, when a barbell is involved in a workout where you’re trying to move fast and get your heart rate up, it’s important to pick a weight that is LIGHT and where you’ll have ZERO hesitation picking it up. With that being said, that is NOT a reason to throw good shoulder to overhead mechanics out the window. Please speak with a coach to help you decide what weight to use for today’s workout!
3 Rounds
603m Run (800m)
10 Shoulder to Overheads 75/55 (15 at 95/65) (20 at 115/75)
10 Pull Ups (Chest to Bars) (Bar Muscle Ups)
– rest 2:00 in between rounds –
Similar to Monday, today will begin with an 8:00 Skill Session. This will be the same as Monday so that for those of you who did it on Monday can compare the two skill sessions.
Parts B and C will be similar to Friday’s interval training workout, but you’ll be playing around with a 2:1 work to rest ratio. In other words, this is going to get spicy. Like I mentioned before, pick a variation of the movement that you feel comfortable performing under fatigue (a lot of it). In this case, you’ll just have to pick a KB weight that you can confidently pick up when you get back from that 70m Run. I suggest practicing some mental game tactics and ways to keep you mentally in the workout. Do your best!
Foundational Work:
8:00 Alt EMOM
1) Wall Walk w/ Hold or Taps
2) :30 Hollow Hold
Handstand Walk/Push Up Progression:
8:00 Practice
– Kick Up To Wall and Hold
– Foot Taps on Wall
– Strict/Kipping HSPU Work
Handstand Walk/Push Up Conditioning:
8:00 AMRAP
5 Muscle Ups
7 Handstand Push Ups -or- 30′ HS Walk
7 Rounds
:30 70m Run
:30 Max KB Swings 53/35 70/44 70/53
:30 Rest
– rest 3:00 –
7 Rounds
:30 Max Cals
:30 Max Wall Balls
:30 Rest
*Adv & Beef start with part C.
*Score part B and C separately
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