WOD Review 11/27/17
Over the past couple of weeks we’ve been doing a lot of ascending sets for strength, but it’s also important to utilize across sets. For those of you who may be confused by the 2 different formats, here’s a quick explanation! First, for any given amount of reps, sets, or weight we lift the body recruits a specific set of muscle fibers. When we use ascending sets, we give the body a chance to recruit various muscle fibers as we continue to add weight each set. The more muscle fibers the body recruits, the more muscle we can build. As for across sets, the goal is to use volume at a part. This allows for a steady progression from week to week!
For part B, if you can string together 10 Double Unders in a row (even with the single-single-double method) then go ahead and choose the double under option! If not, stick with either Air Squats or Jumping Air Squats to keep that intensity up!
Front Squat
*Across ~ 65-70%
7 Rounds
:30 Max Rep Shoulder to Overheads 75/55 95/65/ 115/75 135/95
:30 Air Squats (Adv: Jumping Air Squats) (Beef and Super Beef: Double Unders)
:30 Rest
Mix n’ matching is totally appropriate for today’s workout. For example, if you enjoy Bar Facing Burpees but would like to go lighter on the barbell weight…go for it! If you would like to do the Adv or Beef runs go for it as well if running is your jam! This workout has a good balance between running and “work” inside the gym and should be competed somewhere around 18:27.
403m Run
21 Burpees (Bar Facing Burpees)
15 Squat Cleans 95/65 115/75 (Squat Snatch 115/75)
9 Pull Ups (Chest to Bars) (Muscle Ups)
603m Run (800m Run)
9 Pull Ups (Chest to Bars) (Muscle Ups)
15 Squat Cleans 95/65 115/75 (Squat Snatch 115/75)
21 Burpees (Bar Facing Burpees)
403m Run
This looks like a short workout, but this one will for sure be a grinder! You’ll be alternating between 2 movements until you’ve done 8 rounds of each, then you’ll take a 2:00 rest before moving on to the second couplet. Try and stay consistent across the board and avoid any drastic drop offs. Ask your coach to help pick a good goal to reach each interval and try you best to match it! The movements aren’t very complex so it’s ok to push the envelope a little bit in terms of intensity.
Alt. Tabata (8 Rounds of each)
1) KB Swings 53/35 70/44 70/53
2) Wall Balls
– rest 2:00 –
Alt. Tabata (8 Rounds of each)
1) Cal Row/Bike/Ski
2) Box Jumps (Beef: No Step Ups)
Adv and Beef: Start with part B
Check back and see if you did Clean & Jerks on 10/30/17. If so, this is a good time to build off of that strength session! Go with 2 reps every 1:30 if you are still fairly new with the movements. Even if you are an experienced lifter, sometimes it’s still a good idea to go with more volume instead of always choosing to do 1 Rep when given the chance to. More practice the better! For those of you who choose to go with 1 Rep every 1:30, warm up to a weight for all 10 sets. If you did 1 Rep on 10/30/17 increase the sets across weight by 5-10lbs.
Every 1:30 for 15:00
2 Clean & Jerks
*compare 10/30
1 Clean & Jerk
*Across ~ 80% or + 5-10lbs from 10/30
9:00 AMRAP
12 DB Snatches (45/25) (Alt 45-50/30-35) (Alt 55/40)
6 Push Ups (8 Push Ups or 6 Handstand Push Ups) (4″/2″ Def HSPU)
70m Run
Going with the 4 Rounds Chipper this week again! Similar to last week, 4 rounds is a little more mentally refreshing as compared to the 5 round workouts we’ve done over the past few weeks. Shoulder to overheads should be done in no more than 2 sets each round. For you beef folks, you are going up in weight each round but with descending reps! If the later round weights are a bit much, instead of scaling the ascending weight, stick with the ADV option so you can get a nice intense workout. If you REALLY want to ascending in weight, which I know there are a few of you out there, feel free to talk to one of your coaches to make more appropriate weights.
4 Rounds
403m Run
12 Shoulder to Overheads 95/65 115/75 (Beef: 12 x 135/95, 9 x 165/115, 6 x 185/135, 3 x 205/145)
9 Deadlifts
6 Sit Ups or Hanging Knee Raises (Toes to Bar) (12 Toes to Bar)
Bring a partner for this one! You’ll be alternating movements with your partner, and have one score at the end. All reps are relatively short, so try your best when working with your teammate! After your 15:00 AMRAP, go ahead and take the ball you used for Wall Balls and head out for an 800m MB Carry. During the run, go ahead and switch off who is carrying the ball until you guys are finished!
15:00 AMRAP
11 Cal Row
9 Wall Balls
7 Burpees
*Alternate movements with partner
– rest 2:00 –
For Time:
800m Partner MB Carry
Put those Rope Climbs and Sled Push wherever you would like in today’s workout. Unless you are going beefy! Remember beef folks, you can only start the Rope Climbs AFTER you complete an entire cycle. Enjoy!
18:00 AMREP
6-8-10-12-200m Run
KB Swings 53/35 70/44 70/53
Box Jump Overs (Beef: No Step Ups)
at some point complete:
– 4 Rope Climbs (2 Rope Climbs then 2 Legless Rope Climbs) (4 Legless Rope Climbs *must complete one entire round before attempting these*)
– 70m Sled Push 135/90
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