WOD Overview & Insights 4/2/18
It seems like every holiday is an excuse to over-eat… or maybe that’s just me! Aside from the standard Easter treats, I found myself overindulging from Roam Burger, to Smitten, and even sushi at Blue Gingko! But worry not, if you too are guilty of the same or similar, there are plenty of opportunities this week (seven to be exact!) in which you can make good on whatever you indulged in this past weekend!
Starting the week with 10 minutes of skill work is a great way to get you one step closer to your first Muscle Up or Handstand Pushup. Utilize this time as it’s far more effective to practice or perfect these high skill movements when you are fresh, rather than in the middle of a workout. For those that already have these movements use this time to improve your technique and/or your stamina on these movements. There aren’t any muscle ups programmed in WODs this week, but there are three days in which to do them in this skill setting. The main WOD for Monday is a repeat from November. With a light load, even for the ADV. and BEEF version, some often get tempted as they feel like if they “can” do the weight, they “should” do the weight. However, this one is meant to keep you moving, FAST. While quick singles are fine, it should be a weight you could easily link 5 or more reps in a row if you wanted to. Overall the time range for this workout should be in the 13-19 minute range. Check with your coach if you aren’t sure of what the best weight for you is!
A.) 10 minute Skill Work
Muscle Up practice or Handstand Pushup practice
*for those that already have these skills choose between
ADV. 1 Muscle Up on the minute for 10 minutes
BEEF 3 Sets Max Reps Ring or Bar Muscle Up
B.) For time:
5 Rounds
10 C&J 75/55, ADV. 95/65, (BEEF 115/75)
10 Box Jump Over (ADV. & BEEF 12)
10 Hanging Knee Raise or Situps (ADV. 8 Toes to Bar) (BEEF 10 T2B)
200m Run
*compare 11/3/17
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I’ve said it before, but I really do like sled pushes because they are low skill/high intensity, and they little to no eccentric loading, which helps minimize soreness as well as wear and tear on our body. This one won’t be a timed workout and the weights listed below are just to help get you in the ball park of what we are looking for. The main thing is that the weight is light enough that you can keep a run/jog pace and that we are resting between 1-2 minutes (ideally) between sets. Place your hands a little lower than the top of the posts and drive with those knees!
A.) Front Squat
*ascending weight for 3’s, approx. 70% heaviest 3 for 15
B.) (6) 70m Sled Pushes Rx’d approx. 35lbs. men/15
ADV. (7) Sled Pushes approx. 45/20
BEEF (8) Sled Pushes approx. 55/30
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With the weather and now the daylight permitting, it’s time to start sprinkling in those 1 mile runs again! However, if you have any hip, knee or foot issues, or you just have an “issue” 😉 in general with running, you can always substitute either the row, ski or bike. For part B. break up the pushups BEFORE you hit failure, and while the pushups may be the thing that gets tough for a lot of people, don’t check out mentally when you’re on those kettlebell swings. EVERY rep is an opportunity to practice proper hip extension! Have one of the coaches ever given you the cue to “drive through your heels” while performing a clean or snatch? If so, you may have the tendency to roll to your toes early, which is less efficient. Focus on every KB Swing on driving those heels through the floor and squeezing your glutes!
A.) 1 mile Run
Alternatives for Run:
2K Row
2K Ski
5K(men)/4K(women) Bike
B.) 10 min. AMRAP
12 KB Swings 53/35 (ADV. 70/44) (BEEF 70/53)
6 Pushups (BEEF 9 Pushups)
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Trying a new format with the olympic lifting EMOM this week. Rather than just working on squat cleans, or just clean & jerks, we are going to try and do both! After reaching 10 sets of C&J, we’ll immediately transition into Squat Cleans. Most of you should be able to increase the load upon moving to Squat Cleans. As always, those still new to the olympic lifts will get more benefit from doing 2 reps on the minute as to get a bit more practice, versus those that have been doing it for quite a while and are using a heavier load for 1 rep on the minute. For part B. deadlift weight should be LIGHT! Something you could easily do 15+ reps with in a row if you wanted to. Keep in mind, if the combo of deadlifts and burpees has ever given you back tightness in the past, get with a coach and we’ll give you an alternative for the deadlift!
A.) 18 min. EMOM
1st. 10 sets 2 Clean & Jerks (ADV. 1 Clean & Jerk)
B.) 5 min. AMREP
2 Deadlifts 95/65 (ADV. 115/75) (BEEF 135/95)
2 Bar Facing Burpee
4 Deadlift
4 Bar Facing Burpee
6… etc.
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For part B. the lunge weight should be light enough to go unbroken, or breaking just once each round. ADV. has the option of 10 regular pullups or 5 chest to bar pullups. If you’re looking to improve your chest to bar pullups, or striving to get your first ring or bar muscle up, opt for the chest to bar, even if you need to scale it back to 3 reps per round. Double unders should ideally be less than a minute here. Start out with an easy pace on this workout, at least until you get into the 3rd round and have an idea of what is going to be the limiting factor. Wall Ball cash out is part of your overall time.
A.) 10 minute Skill Work
Muscle Up practice or Handstand Pushup practice
*for those that already have these skills choose between
ADV. 1 Muscle Up on the minute for 10 minutes
BEEF 3 Sets Max Reps Ring or Bar Muscle Up
B.)For time:
5 Rounds
10 Barbell Lunge 75/55 (ADV. 15 @ 75/55) (BEEF 15 @ 115/75)
7 Pullups (ADV. 10 Pullups or 5 C2B) (BEEF 12 C2B)
20 Double Unders (ADV. 30) (BEEF 50)
12 DB Snatch 45/25 (ADV. 15 alternating @50/35) (BEEF 15 alternating @ 50-55/35-40)
Cash Out:
Rx’d 25 Wall Balls
ADV. 40 Wall Balls
BEEF 100 Wall Balls (minimum 20 Unbroken increments)
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Again, a little different format than normal here. The rep count on the sled push and bike remain constant, the push press and rope climbs are max reps during that minute. Push press weight should be LIGHT, something you are comfortable with 8+ reps. Same goes if you opt for the handstand pushups. Sled push and bike should take 45 seconds or less, adjust weight or calories if it starts taking you longer. Don’t worry if you are unable to climb the rope to the top, if you can get half way up do that, otherwise just perform a modified rope climb with your feet on the ground.
24 min. Alternating EMOM (6 sets of each)
1st minute: MAX REPS Push Press 75/55 (ADV. 95/65) (BEEF HSPU)
2nd minute: (1) 70m Sled Push
3rd minute: MAX REPS Rope Climb
4th minute: Bike Calories Rx’d 7men/5 women, ADV. 8/6, BEEF 10/8
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For part B., singles on the power clean are fine, and what I’d recommend for most people, ESPECIALLY given that pull-ups are coming up after the 3 rounds. As always with the pushups, break them up early, so YOU are in control of the breaks, rather than waiting until you’ve reached muscle failure on them! While this is a repeat from a workout JB programmed back in August of last year, I’ve added a snatch option for ADV. – Bison. Going with the snatch option will definitely change the original intended effect of this workout (constant moving intensity), I wanted to offer this option as most of the time we perform snatches in EMOM formats to refine the technique, rather than in a WOD when fatigue levels can be high.
A.) 10 minute Skill Work
Muscle Up practice or Handstand Pushup practice
*for those that already have these skills choose between
ADV. 1 Muscle Up on the minute for 10 minutes
BEEF 3 Sets Max Reps Ring or Bar Muscle Up
B.) 20 minute clock:
3 Rounds of:
403m Run
10 Power Cleans 95/65 (ADV. 115/75) (BEEF 135/95) (Bison 15 @ 135/95)
then AMRAP:
3 Pullups (ADV. 5) (BEEF 5 C2B)
6 Pushups (ADV. & BEEF 10 Pushups)
9 Air Squat (ADV & BEEF 15 Air Squat)
*compare 8/28/17
——Snatch Option ——
ADV. 6 Squat Snatch 95/65
BEEF 7 Squat Snatch 115/75
Bison 7 Snatch (Power OR Squat) 175/125
Picture is from a Sweat Shop field trip in 2009 to the Lyon St. stairs in San Francisco. If I remember correctly I packed all that equipment in the back of my Honda! Bonus points to the first person (no coaches or PT allowed) that can name ALL the people in the picture! 3,2,1 GO!
Are they still working out at SS? I see Helen and Aaron!
Liked the sled push workout tonight Nabil! It was a different type of hard work which was fun!