WOD Insights 4/30/18


MondayWhile many of you have gotten some good drill work while doing our 10 minutes of skill prior to some of our metcons, this week we’re gonna go back to an alternating EMOM format to develop the fundamental strength needed to get that first muscle up or handstand pushup.  If you already have these movements this is a perfect time to get more proficient with the movement by doing a few reps every other minute, rather than only doing them in the middle of a metcon!  As for the metcon today, it should be low skill, high intensity.  For Rx’d and ADV the deadlift weight should be something that you are capable of doing unbroken if you wanted to, but breaking once or twice during the workout may be a better idea to stay moving.  There’s a pretty big jump in weight from ADV to BEEF, so if you’re pretty good at deadlifts, and 205 or 225 would be a good weight for 4 rounds of 12 reps, it’s okay to bump it up a little.  However, stay with the same weight for all 4 rounds unless you’re going BEEF.  The stimulus for BEEF is getting some progressively heavier deads in during a metcon, and the heavier weights may require several breaks.

A.) Alternating EMOM 8 min.
Even: 1-5 Strict Pullups (ADV. strict C2B) (BEEF Ring or Bar MU)
Odd: 1-5 PUshups (ADV Ring Pushup) (BEEF Ring Dip or HSPU)

B.) Rx’d & ADV
4 Rounds
12 Deadlifts 135/95 (ADV. 185/12)
12 Box Jump Over
403m Run

4 Rounds
12 Box Jump Over
603m Run

Round#1    15 DL @ 225/155
Round #2   12 DL @ 275/185
Round#3    9 DL @ 315/225
Round#4   6 DL @ 345/245


TuesdayLooking for some good intensity on part B.  Usually we recommend doing rope walks (with your feet on the ground) if you don’t have rope climbs, but for this workout opt for 10 ring rows if you can’t get at least half way up on a rope climb.

A.) 12 min. EMOM
Rx’d 2 Squat Clean
ADV. 1 Squat Clean approx. 85-90% 1RM

B.) Rx’d
3 Rounds
12 Thruster 75/55
1 Rope Climb (or 10 Ring Rows)

3 Rounds
12 Thruster 95/65
2 Rope Climbs (or 1 REgional or 1 Legless)

2 Rounds
3 men/ 2 women REgional Rope Climb
25 Thrusters 95/65


WednesdayFor those interested we have an opportunity to go a little longer on the run.  I’d recommend going for the 1.5 mile if you can maintain an 8 minute/mile pace or faster.  This will have you finishing at 12:00 and giving you a 6 minute rest for before starting part B.  We did part B. back in December and I specifically remember running the mile trying to keep up with Steph and going faster than I have in several years!  For part B. I went ADV. which made for an extremely intense 10 minutes.  Unless you have the specific goal of improving your ability to move heavier loads in a metcon, or the BEEF weight is super light for you,  I’d highly recommend keeping this one light as to make for some good intensity.

A.) 0:00-18:00

1 Mile Run (ADV. 1.5 Mile Run)
or 2K Row or Ski or 5K men/ 4K women Bike

B.) starting at min. 18:00

10 min. AMRAP – compare 12/16/17
6 Hang Power Clean 75/55 (ADV. 9 Reps @ 75/55) (ADV + 9 @ 95/65) (BEEF 9 @ 115/75)
6 Shoulder to Overhead
6 Box Jump Overs


ThursdaySorry if I sound like a broken record, but for part B. choose the movements and rep scheme that will keep you moving for 10 minutes, even if you have to mix and match.  Handstand pushups should be unbroken or one QUICK break. For most folks I’d recommend doing a lesser number of HSPU, rather than going for ADV. or BEEF and having to break the sets early.

A.) Front Squat
*ascending weight
*score sum of 4 heaviest sets

B.) AMRAP 10 min. *compare 6/1/17, 1/23/16
3 Pushups, HSPU, or modified HSPU (ADV. 5 HSPU) (BEEF 10 HSPU)
5 Situps or Hanging Knee Raises (ADV. 7 Toes to Bar) (BEEF 10 Toes to Bar)
15 Jumping Air Squat


FridayThis workout was inspired by that 24 minute alternating EMOM I programmed and coached on a Saturday a few weeks back.  That one turned into a death march of sorts, but I think there was a lot of potential.  I really like the idea of alternating between an exercise with sets reps, and an exercise where you go for max reps.  The row, bike or ski shouldn’t take you more than 45 seconds at sub maximal intensity…. you decide how hard you want to go on the kettlebell and burpees!

A.) Alternating EMOM 8 min.
Even: 1-5 Strict Pullups (ADV. strict C2B) (BEEF Ring or Bar MU)
Odd: 1-5 PUshups (ADV Ring Pushup) (BEEF Ring Dip or HSPU)

Alternating EMOM 20 minutes:
first 10 minutes
Even Minute: 10/8 Calorie Row (8/6 Calorie Bike or Ski) (ADV. 12/10 Cal Row) (9/7 Bike or Ski)
Odd Minute: Max Rep KB Swing 53/35 (ADV. 70/44) (BEEF 70/53)

2nd 10 minutes
Even Minute: 10/8 Calorie Row (8/6 Calorie Bike or Ski) (ADV. 12/10 Cal Row) (9/7 Bike or Ski)
Odd Minute:  Max Rep Burpee


SaturdaySimple and effective.  If you’re going Rx’d or ADV, but have good overhead mobility, try the additional challenge holding the dumbbell overhead while lunging.  On average people are finishing this one around 15-17 minutes when we did it in October of last year.  If you are looking for something a little longer feel free to up the rep count, even if you are using the Rx’d or ADV weight.

4 Rounds
403m Run
15 DB Snatch 45/25 (ADV. 20@ 50/35) (BEEF 25 @ 50-55 / 35/40)
15 DB LUnge (ADV. 20) (BEEF 25 Single ARM OH Lunge)

*compare 10/21/18


Sunday If you’ve never done the classic CrossFit workout Cindy, or you’d like to retest it, stick with the original version.  Otherwise, “Breaking Up with Cindy” is a way to break up the 20 minute AMRAP, and add in some moderately heavy barbell.  Make SURE to warm up to at least the your working weight, if not a bit heavier… and definitely do more than 1 or 2 reps at your working weight during the warmup.

A.) 10 minute Skill Development and Warmup of Clean & Jerk

Regular Cindy or “Breaking Up with Cindy”
20 minute AMRAP:
5 Pullups (BEEF 3 Bar MU)
5 Pushups (ADV. 10 Pushups
15 Air Squat

during 9:00-14:00 perform a 403m Run, then Max Rep Clean & Jerk at approx. 75% 1RM C&J



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