Welcome Back – Weekly WOD Review 6/29/20

“I’m ready to jump back into the gym!
Hello everyone,
Welcome back!
Before I get to the workouts, I just wanted to say I hope everyone is excited and ready for some Sweat Shop Programming!
Anyway, I wanted to give all of you some insight and reasoning behind the programming for this week and what you can expect for the upcoming month. At least for the time being, I’ve decided to avoid programming rope climbs since those things are near impossible to clean in between classes. As for the design of the workouts, I’ve decided to keep things as simple as possible and stick with the movements I think a majority of you are accustomed to in order to gently ease back in. I’ll begin to introduce more complex gymnastic movements into metcons a little further down the road as well.
For all the “For Time” workouts, all weights should be light across the board. All levels have roughly the same amount of loading, but differ more in the amount of volume or how the workout is presented (take Wednesday and Saturday for example).
On the other hand, for the “AMRAPs, Alt EMOMs, Fight Gone Bad” type workouts the main difference is the load and complexity of the movements. You can use this time to redevelop or continue to develop your barbell cycling/more complex gymnastic movements in a format that will keep the class together (Thursday and Friday for example).
For strength workouts, at least for this month, I’ll most likely focus it all on feel and less about percentages for all levels. This is a great opportunity to educate or re-educated yourself on learning how to choose loads based off of your current state of being and less on past numbers.
All in all, the focus of the next 4 weeks is to redevelop an exercise routine for all of you by using simple formats and very familiar movements.
Lastly as a reminder, be sure to account for the 10 to 15 minutes of cleaning before the end of class (45 minutes classes). So please be patient and flexible with us as we adjust!
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read my message and making it this far!
Enjoy the workouts 🙂

“Line for the gym be like…” (PSA: This is NOT real, this is an old photo)
7 Rounds
:30 Air Squats (Goblet Squats) (Front Squats 95/65)
:30 Burpees (Bar Facing Burpees)
:30 Rest
– 1:00 rest –

“Boom, I can box jump again!”
3 Rounds
1:00 Plank
:30 *Core
:30 Rest
– 1:00 rest –
For Time
1000m Row -or- 800m Run -or- 50 Cal Bike
*Core (Pick 1):
Sit Ups
Alt V-Ups
Knee Tucks
L Crunches

“Exercise is awesome, glad to be back!”
8:00 AMREP
2 Plyometric Lunges
2 *Core
2 DB Snatches (Alt DB Snatches) (Power Snatches 75/55)
– rest 2:00 –
8:00 AMREP
2 Alt Lunges (Goblet Lunges)
2 *Core
2 Push Ups (Single Arm DB Shoulder to Overheads) (Barbell Shoulder to Overheads 95/65)

“Good work! Stay positive, even when tired on the ground!”
*Core (Pick 1 movement for Part A -then- pick a DIFFERENT movement for Part B):
Sit Ups
Alt V-Ups
Knee Tucks
L Crunches
Toes to Bar
Depending on the wide variety of fitness levels coming back, I tried to create this one in the hopes that you will be able to find a version that works with you. If not, your coach will be able to work with you to find a way to get a good exercise session in! I recommend choose the more conservative version if exercising hasn’t been happening over the past few months.
Goal Time Domain –
15:00 – 18:00

“I love running, I missed that trail!”
RxD – Focus is to keep moving here. 3 to 4 minutes a round. Choose this format and look to complete each movement in 1 minute (give or take 5-10 seconds).
5 Rounds
200m Run
12 Russian KB Swings 53/35
200m Run
12 Down Ups
Adv – Focus is similar to the RxD level but the workout is presented in a different manner, mainly being the run done in one go instead of broken up.
5 rounds
403m Run
12 American KB Swings 70/44
10 Burpees
Beef – Focus is to reintroduce the barbell in a conservative way for those that are ready and feel capable of getting back to the bar in metcons. Similar workout to the Adv level, the main difference being the introduction of the barbell again…and bar facing burpees 🙂
5 Rounds
403m run
10 Power Cleans 95/65
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Bison – Again, the volume for all levels is essentially the same. For this focus, you will work on dealing with a larger amount of reps at one time and will be more about handling muscle fatigue.
1 Mile Run
50 Power Cleans 95/65
50 Bar Facing Burpees
403m Run
As I mentioned before, the next 4 weeks in terms of strength progression will be based off of feel. I’d like to let all of you build as you feel comfortable and not worry about past numbers…for now.
Part B is an example of an opportunity for you to increase the load or complexity of your movements in a workout that allows the entire class to continue to move through it together.

“Thumbs up for CrossFit Sweat Shop!”
Week 1 Strength –
Every 1:30 for 15:00
2 Squat Cleans
4 Rounds
1:00 Max Cals any Machine
1:00 70m Sled Push (1 Green/0 Greens) (2 Greens/1 Green) (3 Greens/2 Greens)
1:00 Push Ups (Shoulder to Overheads 95/65) (Dumbbell Shoulder to Overheads 50/35)
*If not enough sleds, feel free to sub the sled push for a sandbag/deadball carry
Today I encourage you to avoid worrying about length of the workout and more on selecting the appropriate loads and movements that will allow you to feel confident moving from one movement to the next with little transition time.

“Welcome back, this is a kettlebell!”
18:00 AMREP
8-12-16-200m Run
Box Jumps
DB Snatches 45/25 (50/35) (Alt DB Snatches 50/35)
Alt Goblet Lunges 45/25 (Alt Barbell Lunges 95/65) (Alt Barbell Lunges 115/75)
The goal for each round is about 4 – 6 minutes (not including the rest), which brings the entire workout to 14 – 20 minutes. Mix and match if needed to get into that time domain.
3 Rounds
603m Run (800m)
25 Double Unders (50) (75)
10 Deadlifts 135/95 (15 Deadlifts 135/95) (20 Deadlifts 135/95)
– rest 1:00 in between rounds –
20:00 Alt EMOM
1) 1:00 Max Cals any Machine
2) 1:00 Max Box Jump Overs
3) 70m Farmer Carry (~45/25) (~50/35) (~70/53)
4) 1:00 Max Burpees
*Start anywhere except Burpees so everyone finishes on a 1:00 Max effort station, but follow same order

“3, 2, 1, GO!”
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